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After his condition was stable, Singto was discharge from the hospital the same day his father came from china. The journey from the hospital to their house was quiet. Krist is beside Singto but he too was quite.

Singto gazes outside the window, observing everyone outside. He believes that once this people see him behind the tinted glass, they will turn against him. To him, all people are untrustworthy. Including the ones inside the car with him.

With this thought, he looks at P’davis driving and his father, then to Krist who’s looking outside the window too. He observes their movements and gestures. He can feel his father glancing every now and then.

He thinks that his father is up for something. A simple movement from the two in front has been twisted in singto’s mind and he believes the two is planning something that could harm him.

He leaned forward and grasps the seats the two in front are occupying. With deep and threatening voice he said “What are you planning to do to me now?”

His father and P’davis were stunned including Krist who were thinking deeply were pulled out due to the sudden action of Singto, who from the moment he was discharged, was quite.

Singto’s voice is full of accusation as if the one he is with now, is not his father. But Bonrod knows that his son is unable to trust anyone, it wasn’t intentional. He knows it’s a disorder.
He touches the hand that was grasping the seat and look directly to his son. “We’re going home”

Singto stares back as if measuring the truth in the sentence. His brain cannot find any underlying message beneath the simple honest words. But he is still suspicious.

“What did the doctor told you about me? Did he suggest bringing to me to an asylum?”
“We can talk about this at home, don’t worry just rest for a while”

“So the doctor did suggest something like that? What? Do you also think I’m crazy? All I did was to stop the nightmares. I was not wrong por! Although after a few hours I experience it again but it’s okay. The pills lasted for hours.”

“Prachaya! Can you hear yourself? You were about to die from overdose! If that wasn’t called being insane I do not what is!”

“So you think that way too! I knew it! No! You cannot take me to an asylum or anywhere! I do not need any help”

Singto is clearly agitated. As if the emotional pouch he’s been holding into is about to burst open. Krist and P’davis are starting to get alarmed by the heated discussion.

“P’singto—“ Before Krist can finish his sentence, Singto grasp him tightly. His eyes are full of accusation and anger, but his irises are unstable. Krist is momentarily stunned.

“You too! are you also pretending? Are you here to spy on me? Is that why you’re staying at our house? Did someone send you?”

The car stopped, but neither the two notice. Krist is staring wide eyed to the unknown person in front of him. The P’singto in his childhood was gentle, kind and cheerful. The P’singto he came to know after coming here was quite, aloof and calm. And yet this person is someone he cannot recognize.

This man’s eyes were full of hatred, as if any moment now he can kill. The tight grasp did not waver instead every word he utters, the tight hold continuously squeezes Krist. He felt the fear. He fears this man whom he doesn’t know. Where is his P’singto?

When the car stopped, Bonrod hurriedly opened the door to Singto’s side and injected the drug to Singto, slowly he lost his consciousness and lay softly in Krist’s embrace.

Before Singto completely closes his eyes, Krist’s fear, now was replace with sadness, as Singto lay on his lap he can feel the pain inside the man. Why? Why are you suffering like this?

Thawing Prachaya's Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now