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I thought of deleting this story, but have decided against it. So I’m just rewriting the Chapter that made me uncomfortable (not the right word but nah I can’t put it into words that’s more fitting)

So, someone told me that forcing someone to change their habit because you think it’s unnatural or to force them to do something because you think it’s normal would not help them. It’s not therapeutic. They would only end up hating you for it.

So when I heard that from someone, I reread my work and it felt like I made a mistake. Though this is just a fiction and it should not reflect reality, I feel like if I will write the story based on real life mental problems I should fix it.

In Chapter Three Krist, (Character in this story) force his way into the room of Singto (Character in this story) even though the latter said he does not want anyone in his room and that’s the reason why he’s locking his room every time.

Simply because he has trust issues, and his been doing that since the incident happened. I want you all to see that, it is more than just locking a door to a room; it is locking a door to a place of safety. And for someone who has experience violence, it is a big deal. (Oops spoiler)

So when I wrote the scene, I did not notice that Krist’s action was rude, intrusive and forceful, but thought of it instead as something helpful. And when Singto reacted the way I wrote it, it appears to be an insult to people experiencing the same in real life

(because how could you let someone you did not see for 10 years to do that to you suddenly, even if we say that Krist is an exception to him. Its just too soon.)

(The sentences in bold up there made me realized that, and I just need to fix this. To get this out of my system, or else I may have resulted to taking down this story.)

And I do not want anyone thinking the way I did, that it is okay. That it could help them overcome these certain problems they have. Lastly, I do not want to insult people by writing something I do not understand in the first place.

I do not want to hurt people in any way when I only want was to write about two people I love and just entertain myself and possibly someone.

This was longer than I intend it to be. If this feels like I’m making a big deal about it, then you’re right. Anyways. Please continue to read. The rewritten chapter will be up soon.

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