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Mae Preng prepared the breakfast for everyone. They quietly eat until it was time for Mr. Ruangroj to head out. He bid goodbye to the two. When Singto's father was gone, Krist got up and heads toward the kitchen.

Singto continued to eat quietly until he notice a plate of omelet with a "3 days to go" written with ketchup on top. He furrowed his brows in confusion and look up to the sheepishly grinning Krist.

"Don't forget on Sunday" After that Krist happily got his bag and heads for school while whistling. Singto could only sigh.


Singto was quietly eating his lunch with Newwie and Fluke when a cup of Ice coffee was push towards him with a word "2 days to go" He looks up annoyed to the culprit.

Krist is holding his Pinkmilk, he was ignored while Krist greeted Newwie and fluke before waving goodbye.


After his classes, Singto lift his bag along with his camera. "Oyy Sing what's this?" Newwie pick up the sticky note on Singto's camera.

"Today is Saturday" Newwie reads it confused, Singto snatch the sticky note and sighed in annoyance. I'm going to kill that kid


Krist is once again in the kitchen, He prepared cookies for Singto. He seriously writes his last reminder on a sticky note. He plans to attach it to the peace offering.

Krist was smiling so widely while writing it. He inspects the note after finishing but before he could stick it to the plate of the cookies someone snatches it.

Singto just came back from outside, still in uniform, carrying a medium box. He looks at the note which reads "It's 10:00 tomorrow" He give Krist with a dead pan expression Krist could only give his dimpled smile.

"Stop it" He uttered in a hard tone, Krist being used to the tone ignored it and offered the cookies. Singto without a word get the cookies out of the hand of a smiling Krist. He heads out of the Kitchen.

"Oyy P'sing what's that?" Krist notice the box on Singto's hand. He keeps following SIngto until they got to Singto's door. He wordlessly shut the door on Krist's face. But being the overjoyed Krist he just happily whistled and retreats towards his room.


I could only sigh. These days I've been sighing a lot, turns out with him I'm completely powerless. Krist is giving me a headache. He is really persistent. I opened the box and inspect the new helmet I got. It's the same helmet I have. I sighed again. Why did I buy this? I'm insane.

I hanged the towel I used and sits on the bed. With Krist's constant reminder, I cannot help but to think about the things he wanted to do or where would he want to go. I do not go out a lot, so I'm worried if I could really tour him around.

Although I'm really reluctant to go, I think I don't really have a choice. Wait, what should I wear? I got up to the closet.



The blaring sound of the alarm clock woke me from dreamland, I was dreaming of Singto and me riding a unicorn. So weird. I shut the alarm that reads "9:00 AM". I happily got up and prepare myself.

At 9:45 I was done and ready to go, before heading out of my room I checked my phone and wallet. I hope P'sing is ready, If not I'm going to throw him to the shower. I evilly laugh at the thought.

"Have you finally gone mad?" I was startled when someone spoke. It was P'sing leaning on the wall near the stairs. I stared at him surprise that he's actually ready to go and I do not need my evil plan.

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