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It was late when I got back from school. The hazing activities were hard. Although I gained friends and the seniors were not that harsh, still I am dead tired.

Thankfully, I did not get lost trying to get back home. Home. To call this house home felt natural, I do not know why though.
When I entered the gate, I saw a man in his early forties, dress casually. He is standing at the entrance of the house as if waiting for someone. He smiled when he saw me.

"Sawatdee khap" I wai'd him and he return it with a smile.

"I'm Davis, I managed the Ruangroj residence. You must be nong Krist"

"Khap, I just move in yesterday"

"I could not assist you yesterday because I was out doing some errand for Khun Bonrod, but I was excited to meet you" He gives me the fatherly vibe.

"It's okay and nice meeting you Khun Davis"

"Call me Phee N'krist, C'mon you must be hungry" I smiled and followed him inside.

"Have you met mae preng already?"

"I haven't met anyone except you Phee" He chuckled. He guided me towards the kitchen. I saw an old lady cooking. She looks up when she notice our presence.

"Davis is that nong Krist with you?" She left what she was doing and approaches us. Her smile is warm, it reminds me of my grandma, despite the age she is still strong.

"Sawatdee Khap, I'm Krist khap" Before I could wai her, she hug me while patting my back.

"I'm glad our dear Singto has someone his age in this house"
I smiled from her enthusiasm about my presence here.

"As you can see, I'm a cook here but I do not do other household chores anymore. Of course I could still do it but Sir would not let me. Ahh anyway. I wasn't here yesterday and this morning because I was with Davis"
She goes back to her work.

"I'm going to leave you two here" Phee patted my back before leaving. I sit at one of the stools.

"What are you making Mae Preng?"

*Insert thai food

I notice the boxes of chocolate powder sitting on the counter, there were 10 of them including the ones on the floor. Whoaa that's a lot!

"Mae for who is that chocolate boxes?" Mae glances back and turned to me with her smile. I supposed it was permanent on her face. What a loving woman she is.

"It's probably for you, Sir called me to buy a lot of those since we don't have sweet drinks here, the father and son only drinks black coffee"

I practically jump on my feet in goes to inspect the boxes. Finally I can drink a hot choco tonight to ease my tiredness.

"Por is really nice, I actually wanted to buy for myself but I'm still not familiar with the area. I should thank him when he gets back. And Oh thank you Mae Preng for this too"

I was so excited I was beaming. Mae Preng laughs.

"Wait did you carry all of this mae preng?" Despite the woman still looking strong, 10 large chocolate boxes are too much.

"Oh no son, I have someone who brought those back here along with the other groceries. You know, although this house seems lacking of workers, there are actually people who do the house works when Singto is out"

Hmm when P'sing is out?

"Why is that mae Preng?"

"Our Singto doesn't like new people, so all of the people around him are someone who he knows for a long time. Singto doesn't trust anyone easily. But I heard that you two are best friends when he was still young?"

"Khap but that was a long time ago" So P'sing does not trust me? Is that why he treat me so poorly?

"Can you call him son, I'll just plate this and dinner is ready"

P'sing's room is at the other side of my room with a black door. I knock 3 times before calling his name but no one is answering. I tried again but I still got the same result. I twisted the doorknob but it was locked.

I started to get worried. Is he okay? Is he inside? Where is he? Before I could start pounding his door, it opened, revealing a very annoyed P'sing.

"What?" His tone showed irritation.

"Dinner is ready" "I'm not hungry" He's about to close the door, but I block it.

"What's wrong? are you okay? Or are you not comfortable eating with me? If it's the latter, I could eat at my room"

"I said I'm not hungry"

He closes the door. I sigh. I feel like he is avoiding me on purpose. I was actually planning to ask a lot of questions but it seems that he do not want me to. But I'm not the kind of person you could just shoo away Khun Singto.


I hate doing damage control. To prevent that, I should save myself first. It includes avoiding threats. Krist is the threat himself. I know that he will force his way in, but I would build my walls higher. Let see if he is brave enough to climb through it.

I heard a knock, I sigh the Kid is persistent. "What---" Krist pushed the door and invite himself in. I look at him stunned. He is looking at me with cross arms and a stubborn look on his face.

"Mae preng is coming with our food, we are going to eat here" He flashes me his dimpled smile. I gritted my teeth,


"No, you should eat even if you are not hungry. What? Are you avoiding me? If not then you'll eat with me khun singto"

"I don't like other people in my room" With a hard voice I told Krist, he visibly stiffened, maybe coming into his senses that he's intruding.

"Well if you do not want me in your room, you should come down. You choose"

I sigh. "Are you really this pushy?"

"I'm not taking a no for an answer, so if you don't come down I will take it as you want to eat here instead." He walk pass me.

To say the least, I was irritated. Who is he to demand anything from me?

But few minutes later, I found myself seated in front of a very cheerful looking Perawat. His smile irritates me.

"So Phee, why did you not came back to visit?"

"Why? Is there someone worth visiting?" I did not look up from the food I am eating, but I notice that he stop eating his food.

"Well, it is still your hometown"

"It's mom's" I say coldly.

"Okay, yeah right. So what happened when you move in here?" This time his voice is back to its usual cheerfulness but I can tell that this one is forced.

I started to get annoyed. I put down the utensils and look at him.
"You came here to study, so please focus on that. What happened few years back doesn't concern you" I stood up beginning to leave.

"Do you hate me?" If not for my hearing ability, I may have missed that. In a small voice he uttered those words with vulnerability laze on it, it made me stop on my tracks.

The answer to the question is clear to me. 10 years back, and even now. I know deep down that I could never hate him. This is the mere reason why I'm pushing him back. God knows what he is capable of doing, if he knows that it's actually the opposite.

And so, I did not want to lie nor do I want to make it clear. I continue to exit the dining area.

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