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It is really early in the morning, when something wakes Krist up. He glances at his digital clock that reads “4:15” For Krist it is weird to suddenly wake up at this hour because he usually woke up at exactly 7:00. Then there was it again, a sudden loud sound. It alarms him, so he gets up and exits his room.

He is welcome with a bright and silent hallway. Considering that there are only 5 people staying in this big house and not to mention that it is really early, the silence is expected.

But it is too bright for Krist liking. All the small and big lights are open, that for Krist were really unnecessary.
He heard distinct voices downstairs. Krist thinks it’s coming from the living room. He goes down to see who is awake at this early hour.

At the living room, he saw a very agitated Singto who is pacing back and forth while muttering something. Singto’s father is sitting on one of the couch while holding his head with his left hand. Another middle aged woman who is crying is seated beside him while Davis and mae preng are behind Singto’s father.

Krist remain standing beneath the last step of the stairs.
“I told you to stop letting strangers into this house!” Everybody flinch with the sudden harshness of his voice. Singto’s glare is directed to the woman.

Singto’s father looks up with an angered expression. “Singto! She is your aunt!”

“She tried to get into my room!” Singto shouted back, he remain standing.

“Singto, I do not mean harm. You were groaning when I pass by your room, I thought you’re having nightmares again. So I told Davis to get the master Key to open up your room.”

Krist remembers that they have a very late visitor a few hours, but he did not met the person because he was told that they immediately rested and it was really time for him to sleep. Krist thinks this must be the visitor.

“Why do you care! Even if I die in my sleep what it is to you!”

“SINGTO !” now it is Krist father who’s angry, there are veins about to pop out on his forehead. He stands up with clench fist and red face indicating his anger.

Davis and Mae preng look alarm. Krist is shock.
Singto remains defiantly glaring at his father.

“I. want. her. out. Por.” He said that with deep and icy voice tone mocking when the last word comes out. With that he turned to leave after glaring at the poor woman.

Krist stiffed when Singto see him, he dares to look at his once again cold eyes. Having a neutral-expression back again, gone is the agitated and angry look. Singto did not linger long but to Krist it feels like an hour before he could breathe.



He smacks his alarm clock tiredly and puts on his school shoes. After the incident at early dawn, he could not sleep again. He has been thinking about it, why Singto would be that angry when someone tried to enter his room, after all she’s her aunt and her reason is valid.

Krist remembered when Singto shouted at him yesterday for the same reason. Krist thought that it is normal to lock your room. But this is his own house and he is surrounded by people who have no intention of doing something or stealing anything from his room.

Krist started to think that it was because he moved in, but dismissed the thought because based on the actions of his aunt it was something he always does.

And what about his nightmares? Is it happening frequently?

Krist sighs tiredly. Is P’singto okay?
Once again he frowns when he notice that all the lights are still on in the hallway, but did not give much thought to it. He is occupied by many things.

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