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I was never the kind of person who would give up easily. So I decided that, whenever he will move backwards I should move 2 steps forward until he no longer wanted to get away.

I do not want to ponder on the idea as to why I'm pushing him to accept the friendship I'm offering because somehow it was not really clear. All I know now is that I wanted to make up for the lost time.

Clearly, he doesn't want to talk about the past or do the talking in general so I patiently waited for the good timing that his father is free. I was told by my por that p'sing's por is managing their company hence the man is really busy. He barely has time here at home, I wonder how his relationship with P'singto If he's always this busy.

After the hazing activity, I made sure to get back home early. I was surprise when I saw a pizza guy waiting at the door, then mae preng came to pay for it. The guy wai'd me before leaving.

"Oyy nong krist, you're back" Mae Preng greeted me with her usual motherly smile.

"Khap, is that for P'singto?"

"Yes, the boy is probably gaming now"
Gaming? So he does that too huh

"Can I bring him that mae?"
"Oh sure, thank you krist"

I made my way to his room and knock. He opened it but he did not expect that it was me. He did not even hide the irritation on his face. Well I'm conditioning myself to get used to that.

"Pizza Delivery" He then went to grab the pizza but, I move it away.

"I'm hungry, I want pizza too"
"Buy your own" He grabs it, but I move it again.

"But I want this" He sighs tiredly.

"If you're bored, do something else."

I smiled sweetly. "I'm not bored P'sing, but I want to spend time with you" I said with pure sincerity. He stared at me without blinking, somehow I cannot make out what is he thinking. Knowing that I could not get any answer, I shoved him and walk inside his room.

I saw that he's currently playing. I made myself comfortable on the sofa and got the console. I heard P'sing sighing, probably accepting the fact that he couldn't shoo me away.

He sits beside me and went to grab a pizza.
"You said you're hungry, why are you stealing my game" I notice that, P'singto no longer uses One-word question or answer. He is beginning to talk to me like how a normal person would. Let's take that as an achievement.

I did not answer him and focus on the game. P'sing is quietly watching the game while eating the pepperoni pizza. When my character died, I groaned and pass the console to him. I grab the pizza.

I look around the room and notice that his room is a bit bigger than mine. He has this huge bed that I think 5 grown men could fit. The room and furniture is colored in a mixture of black and gray. I notice his organize and neatly arrange study table and bookshelves that are very tall it almost go up the ceiling.

I got curious as to what books P'sing is interested in, I got up and walk towards it. P'sing has a lot of books with different genre. I'm not a bookworm so I'm not familiar with most of it. I got excited when I saw that he has a lot of comic books too.

"Oh my goooodd! P'sing you have a lot of comics!" Will P'sing let me borrow it?

"I'm will not let you borrow it" I heard him say, my cloud of happiness immediately vanish.

"You are so stingy Khun Singto" I walked back to him. He is still focus on the game.

"I will take good care of it, I promise" I sit beside him, and raise my hand

"No" I glared at him. This person is very mean. I hope my glare could produce fire so this man could burn.

"Are you plotting my death?" He said that with a hint of amusement. I'm happy to get more than just an annoyed, irritated, angry voice from him but I continued to glare at him to make my point that I'm displeased with his attitude.

"You are really greedy" I was taken aback. I stop my glaring and look at him confused. He put down the console and looks at me.

"You're now inside my room. The space I do not want to share with anyone. Please be contented with that"

"I'm sorry" I look down, feeling guilty. "But I cannot help but to ask for more. I told myself that I would not ask anything from you"

I feel like I'm being dramatic over the situation, but he said it as if hinting to me that he's not just talking about the comic books but about him in general.

"That everything I could offer would be enough for the both of us. If you do not like to talk, I could do the talking. If you cannot be cheerful, I will do it instead" I continued when he did not respond.

"And yet, when you give me the tiniest emotion aside from your usual response, I find myself wanting for more. Like I wish you could talk to me more, spend time with me or accept the friendship I'm offering"

I look up to meet his eyes. For once his empty eyes show a different glow yet I cannot interpret such look, for is it the first time I've seen it. The first time he looks at me like that.

"Why?" Almost a whisper he asks me. "Why do you want to be friends with me?" That is my question to myself too.

"P'sing? Do you think we need a reason to befriend someone?" He looks away.

"All the people I've met do" I was stunned. Is this why P'sing do not want any friendship at all. Is this why he's distancing himself from anyone?
But maybe I have mine too, maybe this is the chance to ponder as to why I want his acceptance. I took my time to gather my thoughts and I notice him beginning to leave.

"Well maybe I should stop being a hypocrite and come clean" He sits back and glared at me.

"I have my own reason too. I want to be friends with you because I like the feeling I get when I'm around you"
"What do you mean?"

"I'm a very outgoing person, people constant surrounds me but there are times the noise irritates me, like its suffocating. I also have a very short temper.

I could lash out to anyone in any given moment. I get bored easily too, I constantly wanted to do something to entertain myself

But meeting you again and getting a glimpse of your personality, I felt that with you there won't be any noise to suffocate me, instead it's very calming.

When I talk to you, I feel like being angry is not a choice, because you're like an ice, you put out the fire I could create, and just talking to you feels entertaining enough what more if we could hang out. I would never get bored"

I chuckled feeling happy to the idea of us hanging out.
"I like the 10 year-old Singto Prachaya but I feel like the 20 year-old you now suits me more." I smiled at him. He just stares back at me, maybe wanting to know if I'm sincere.

"I do not want a one-sided friendship P'sing so I'll make it easier for you get to like me as your bestfriend again. Let's hang out this Sunday. Give me a tour. Okay?" He just gives me a tired sigh.

"Yes, Prachaya Ruangroj. I'm planning to continue my greediness." I giggled.


Thawing Prachaya's Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now