Boarding School for the Rejected -13-

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Recap: "You are a Fallidrah. Your kind comes around once every thousand years. The only other Fallidrah alive today is Desmond Draemond. Your kind has an immense amount of power, but it matures over the years. I am a part of an organization that has been trying to get expose creatures to the humans, but we can't do it on our own or we will be killed by our government for 'treason'," he said rolling his eyes. "Really, we just want to stop having to hide. We don't want to control the humans like so many others do, but live among them. I realize this could cause problems, but we have ideas for every different problem that might come up. Why we need you is so that first to quicken up your maturity, and show it to the world and then to help us fight whoever will come after us after that. Yeah, so I'll just let the sink in for now." He said coldly as he walked away from me. I stared after him sadly. "I really wish you would have just loved me..." He whispered as he unlocked all of the locks and then walked out locking them behind again. I was on the edge of tears, and now just wished I was out of this chair.


After everything had been said and I was left alone I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed by everything, and I was simply so confused. I didn't know who I liked anymore, and really I didn't even think I wanted to like anyone period.

The ropes were truly starting to annoy me and then thought about the shadows. I had only been able to control them when I had been worked up, but I wanted to see if I could try to do it on my own now. I stared at a corner that had a mixed amount of shadows and stared at them. I didn't know what to do so I simply tried really concentrating on them, and moving my fingers which were behind my back around a bit. I watched as the shadows danced up from the ground swirled around a bit and then fell once more.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I tried again, and decided to try and figure out how to get them in a way that could help get these ropes off. I pictured a dagger in my mind and continued staring at the shadows watching it slowly take a shape. I managed to make it vaguely take shape of a blade and tried to pull it towards me with my mind. When it reached within a foot of me I tried bringing it to the ropes. I jumped as it cut my shirt. I pulled it back and then quickly made it slash the ropes.

I let out a breath of relief as I was able to move my limbs around again. I felt weary from my attempts with the shadows and made my way over to a corner of the room curling up wanting to fall asleep, but honestly too scared to do that. I may have had my random bursts of anger where I acted strong, but I really was and always had been scared and weak. I didn't know how they expected me to do anything, I was pathetic.

I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw Aiden holding me close to him. I wanted to push him away, but I didn't have the will to do it, and honestly, as much as I hated admitting it to myself it felt lovely in his arms. "Go away," I muttered at him not even bothering to look up at him. "You're not pathetic, and you're not weak. We're going to make you strong." He whispered in my ear. I didn't understand why he was being so gentle and kind with me after how he was acting earlier. I felt him shake his head, "Oh, you silly girl. I wish you would understand how much I love you," he told me squeezing me tightly.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know what to tell you. You say I love Damien, but I don't think I love anyone. I don't think I'm capable of love," I whispered to him.

"I know this will most likely be hard for you to do considering everything I've done, but I need to ask you to trust me. If you tell me you will then I can post long everything just a bit longer, and I promise you there will be no more lies." I finally looked up at him wondering what he was planning on doing.

"No more lies?" I asked him weakly. That was something I truly wanted gone more than anything.

"No more lies." He reassured me.

Boarding School for the RejectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora