Boarding School for the Rejected -5-

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Recap: I heard a gasp from behind me. "You're amazing," I heard Bill mutter from behind me. "I guess you'd like me to explain everything to you now?" I turned my head to look at him nodding. "Well you see this school is.....

"Well you see this school is... Well you've seen the name of this school correct? That it is for

rejected." Bill asked me curiously. I nodded my head slowly. "Okay, well it is a school for inhuman rejects. There are very rarely any humans within this school, so it was a surprise for you to be here." I nodded my head slowly it not truly seeming to click in my head. I found it hard to take it in, but my biggest thought was why I was here. I knew I had to believe this though having just seen Tristan as he was.

I slowly began writing onto my sketchpad. 'Then. . . Why am I here?' I wrote and showed it to him. He looked at me sadly and shrugged. "I wish I could tell you, but everybody usually already knows themselves and they receive a letter confirming it to them. Didn't you get a letter when you got your room number?" I thought about it for a moment, and then remembered about the letter that had the wax seal on the back. I nodded my head quickly getting excited as I was ready to run to the room to see it. I hugged him, and he hugged back smiling lightly. I suddenly let go wanting to ask him one thing before I ran to my room.

I grabbed my sharpie and began writing, 'What are you Bill?' He bit his lip for a moment looking as if he didn't really want to say. "Promise me you won't judge me because the things humans say about my race isn't all true and doesn't really apply to me." I nodded my head wondering what he could be. "I'm a vampire." I froze slightly when he said that forgetting everything he had just said. He suddenly hugged me again and whispered to me, "Please don't run away from me... I promise I'd never hurt you..."

I relaxed in his arms when he said the last part because I remembered that he was there after Damien slapped me. I glanced over to Tristan and noticed he was just watching us quietly. I smiled lightly to him and walked over to him hugging him lightly too. I took my sketchpad and began writing, 'I'm going to go now guys I'll tell you why I am stuck here later,' I said smiling happily to them.

I walked out the room planning to walk to my room before I realized that I forgot what room I was in. I began mentally freaking out. It was... Was.... 1... Something I think. Umm... It was a number I liked... Wait what number do I like? Oh yeah! My favorite number is 13. 1-13? I searched for the room and tried the key once I found it. Thank goodness it fit.

When I walked in the room I saw Damien on his bed sleeping. That reminded me to ask him about what he was. I started walking towards my stuff to find that letter. "Where were you at?" I heard Damien's voice out of nowhere and I jumped, it scared the crap out of me. I really am way too jumpy though... I opened my sketchpad back up and began writing 'It doesn't matter to you, you aren't my dad'. I showed it to him giving him an annoyed look.

"I don't care where were you?" Seriously what is his problem?!?! 'NONE OF YOU'RE BUISNESS I DON'T NEED TO TELL YOU ANYTHING DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!' I said giving him a pissed off look. His eyes narrowed and turned from his unique beautiful blue to a menacing hate filled black. His fists were balled up tightly. As much as he intimidated and scared me right now I would not let him get to me like he had before.

He suddenly turned away from me and walked out the door slamming it so hard I thought it might fall off its hinges, but right before he left I thought I heard him muttering to himself, 'Don't kill her... Don't...' That didn't scare me at all. Note the sarcasm.

I shook my head turning back to my stuff looking for the letter, I remembered putting it down on the dresser next to my bed along with the envelope with my room number on it. The envelope with my room number was there, but the other envelope with the seal wasn't. If Damien had took it... Gosh I'm tired of him!

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