Boarding School for the Rejected -15(preview)-

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This is basically just a preview for the next chapter I know it's super short, but it's because I don't know when I'll be able to finish it, and I don't want to keep you guys waiting too long. And yeah I put it back in first person because no one (including myself) seemed to like third xD So this should be completed over the weekend? And I told you guys I wouldn't keep you over a month waiting anymore. :P

Recap:      Next she saw twins, two boys. They both had brilliant white hair and honestly didn’t look older than seventeen, but Elizabetta had a good feeling they were old than that. They had yellow cat like eyes and were both grinning at her. They were both wearing black jeans and white button down shirts.

     The last person she saw was Miriam once again, and Miriam was smiling cheerfully to her, a lovely old style dress on her slender frame. Elizabetta was actually a bit happy to see her, most likely just because she had seen her before.

     Elizabetta guessed that it had actually been the grey haired guy who had spoken up, but she wasn’t a hundred percent sure.


      I stared the grey eyed nervously in the eye for a moment; his blue eyes seemed to simply see through me completely causing me to shiver a bit. I quickly looked down at the floor again.  Whoever he was he set off the panic mode in me, causing me to just want to shrink and hide away from anywhere he could see me.

    ‘Relax, nothing will happen. You’re new, foreign.  He thinks you’re going to be a traitor and will rat us out as soon as we give you any information.’ He told me within my mind still looking straight ahead startling me as I forgot he could to that. Pardon me, we could do that. I continuously forget we both can do that whole mind thing.

      I tried to find the connection to his mind and it suddenly just blasted towards me and it was like the first time we became connected, the rush of thoughts and knowledge. It was hard to break away from it all too simply get my own thoughts in. ‘Well, I am technically the hostage here aren’t I?’ I asked him jokingly.

      ‘Exactly, that’s what makes him trust you even less since I’m treating you and expecting them to treat you like an equal. Although, you know… I rank you much higher than I rank myself or anyone else here. ’ He said the beginning part completely serious but as he finished I could feel the soft smile on his lips that he was hiding from everyone else under that grim hard face.

   “Introduce yourselves.” Aiden said strictly to all of them. Most of them looked normal not seeming to really care about how he sounded, which I thought must have meant he must have normally acted this way and they didn’t care or this was the first time and they thought he was just being overprotective. The grey haired however still had a deep look of anger and disgust on his face which made me want to hide behind Aiden.

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