Boarding School for the Rejected -17-

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Recap: I then remembered Damien and began to shake slightly. I remembered when he slapped me, yelled at me, almost broke my wrist. I was starting to panic remembering all of these things at once, and he had been my roommate. Thinking about that last fact scared me into not wanting to go back; what if when I came back Damien snapped at me again, and I had a feeling he would.

     “Don’t cry sweety, I’m here. I’m going to protect you. I promise.” Aiden cooed into my ear trying to relax me, I hadn’t even realized that I was crying at all, but I just shook harder now. And then everything went black.


        I awoke to the sound of knocking at the door. I began panicking because where ever I was it was completely black because it appeared to be night outside not allowing for any light to reach inside the room. I then realized that door was the door to my room and that I was lying under blankets with the stuffed bunny next to me. “Come in,” I choked out causing the person behind the door to come in and shedding light from the hall into the room proving that my suspicion of this being my room to be correct.

       I was surprised to see Kristofer at the door. “Aiden wanted me to make sure you were still actually alive and call you down for dinner.”

“Oh. I’m not really hungry…”

“Yeah, he told me you would say that and to tell you to c’mon anyway/”

“Where’s Aiden?”

“He is preparing dinner for those of us who can eat it.”

I was slightly confused by what he meant by that and now wondered what everyone actually was.

“Oh, well… I really don’t want to eat tonight. I think I’m going to just hide in here the rest of the night.” I awkwardly chuckled, but Kristofer didn’t seem amused.

   “I am supposed to bring you down one way or another; now you can come down on your own or I bring you down there myself. What’s your choice girlie?”

       “W-What?“ I started, but was quickly cut off as Kristofer swiftly just came to the bed and picked me up as if I was a feather throwing me over his shoulder. I went stiff at first before beginning to panic. “Put me down! Put me down! Please! Put me down!” I began mumbling frantically to him as I was gazing down.

      Kristofer wasn’t short and simply looking down from where I was terrified me. I wasn’t scared of heights per se, but of simply falling straight down which is what it looked like might happen.

    “Oh, relax. I told you to just come; you wanted to question me, now deal with it.” Kristofer said just shrugging causing me to grip on to him as tightly as possible.

     I heard the chucking of Aiden as well as several other people and was now happy they couldn’t see my face as I was sure I must’ve gone red, although realizing they were then simply looking at my butt made me wonder which side of me would I really rather have them see.

    “Let ‘er down Kris.” I heard Aiden chuckling.

    He put me down gently and I turned to look at everyone in the room wide eyed and extremely nervous. They were all laughing and grinning at me. I quickly averted my gaze to the ground.

  ‘Come here sweety.’ I heard in my mind and looked up to see Aiden smiling thoughtfully at me. I shuffled my way over to him avoiding looking up at the others. Aiden guided me to a seat in between two empty ones sitting me down.

      “If you would sit down please Kris.” Aiden said smiling to Kristofer kindly.

     Kristofer took the seat that was to the right of me and I began to panic, but not looking at the gray haired boy. He wasn’t paying any attention to me as his attention was towards Aiden, but I noticed he didn’t seem as cross with me as he had when I first met him the other day, I still highly doubted he liked me though.

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