Boarding School for the Rejected -14-

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 Recap: Everything in the room was gray or black. The walls were a light shade of gray, the bed spread a mixture of dark gray and black spreadsheets and the room was simply lovely. I also noticed on the bed was a stuffed bunny and my sketchpad. I stared in awe and then turned to look up at Aiden. “Did you… Did you do this?” He simply smiled and kissed the top of my head.

     “I did just for you, and I’d like to ask you to please get some sleep I’ll be back later.” He said and I looked into his deep purple eyes right before he closed the door. I let out a deep breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding and then went over to the bed grabbing the bunny curling up and trying to fall asleep.


      Elizabetta sat in the middle of a forest automatically getting excited because she had always wanted to go to one again. She always thought they were absolutely beautiful and peaceful. It calmed her down and relaxed her being surrounded by the rich colors; the earthy deep brown bark, the emerald green leaves, the many shades  of the little blooming various flowers all around.

     She lay back against the rough bark of a tree she wasn’t sure the kind of closing her eyes and letting all her other senses bloom. She listened to the buzzing of flies everywhere, the sweet chirping of the birds and the fluttering of their wings, the wind as it rustled the leaves gently. She felt the moist soft dirt beneath her and. the warm air hitting her face. The scent of the fresh forest alone was enough to make her melt in joy.

         Elizabetta slowly opened her eyes the bunny still within her arms as she glanced over to the clock next to her bed; it read 7:42 am.  She was disappointed to realize everything she had just experienced had been a dream, but it made her so much happier even when she woke up. She groaned as she sat up jumping in surprise to find Aiden sitting at the end of the bed staring at her thoughtfully.

    Aiden chuckled softly when she jumped. “You really need to start paying attention to me more; it’ll make your life much easier for you.” He told her grinning widely. He laughed then as she childishly stuck her tongue out at him. “Come on you silly, let’s get you some food,” he spoke softly to her holding out a pale long fingered hand towards her.

     She took his hand letting him pull her out of the large fluffy bed. She giggled as he pulled her straight into his arms hugging her tightly. “Eep! You’re squishing me! Can’t… Breathe!” She gasped. She felt his chest tremble as he chuckled once more placing a kiss on her forehead as he relaxed his tight grip upon her.

     “So, how was your sleep darling?” Aiden asked her as he pulled her down the hallway to the kitchen.

     It was early in the morning, but Elizabetta noticed that it looked as if he had already been plenty busy. He was already dressed in fresh clean clothes of a long long-sleeved black shirt and black slacks. His dark brown hair was neatly combed, and it honestly looked odd to her, it made her want to run her hand through it and ruffle it up a bit, but no matter how it was she adored it. 

    “My sleep was great!” She told him excitedly. “I haven’t slept so well in ages and I had this amazing dream of just being in the forest and it felt so real! I’m actually sad I woke up, I haven’t been so happy in ages.“ She said starting to daze off trying to put herself back into that dream world of hers. She didn’t notice as Aiden grunted sounding a bit unhappy after she said she hadn’t been so happy in ages.

    “Oh, and by the way,” Aiden started snapping Elizabetta out of her daze, “I’m cutting my hair today, but before you freak out don’t worry I am not going to cut it super short. I’m simply cutting off the bottom a bit. This long hair actually aggravates me quite a bit. I’ll leave the top hair of my hair as it is, maybe just a tad shorter so it will go with the shorter length better, but the bottom of my hair with just reach around mid-neck, alright?” He asked her glancing her way.

    Elizabetta sighed quite relieved really, she had nearly panicked at the thought of him having all around short hair. She always found that… Well in her own words “eewy”.  Only once in a while did she ever think a guy with short hair seemed attractive, but no, she loved to be able to run her hands through their hair.

    They reached the kitchen Aiden opening the door for her motioning her to go in. She began to go in, but froze as she saw about five other people within the kitchen as well. “Go on,” she heard Aiden whisper into her ear. She slowly shuffled into the kitchen looking at the ground waiting for Aiden to go ahead so that she could follow. She noticed it went silent as well when they all noticed her.

     “This is Elizabetta, I doubt any of you will, but if any of you shall treat her in any way, but respectfully you will be punished,” Elizabetta looked up at Aiden highly surprised. His purple eyes were narrowed on all of them and his voice was strong and commanding, not the soft and gentle voice she was used.

    “Well, can we at least see this Elizabetta’s face?” One of them with a sharp voice called out.

     Elizabetta slowly looked up at all of them trying to figure out who might have said that. One looked about twenty-four, but his short hair was completely grey, she figured it must have been dye or something of the sort. The gray haired also had striking blue eyes; they weren’t nearly as beautiful as… The thought fell out of her mind. She couldn’t remember who she wanted to compare them to. She quickly shook it off looking to the next person. His fair face looked blank, impassive.

    This time it was a girl. She looked around nineteen with rich brown hair similar to Aiden’s, she however had forest green eyes unlike Aiden’s marvelous purple. She was wearing clothes similar to Aiden’s, but she was wearing a black tank top instead of a long-sleeved shirt.

      Next she saw twins, two boys. They both had brilliant white hair and honestly didn’t look older than seventeen, but Elizabetta had a good feeling they were old than that. They had yellow cat like eyes and were both grinning at her. They were both wearing black jeans and white button down shirts.

     The last person she saw was Miriam once again, and Miriam was smiling cheerfully to her, a lovely old style dress on her slender frame. Elizabetta was actually a bit happy to see her, most likely just because she had seen her before.

     Elizabetta guessed that it had actually been the grey haired guy who had spoken up, but she wasn’t a hundred percent sure.

Okay, I need to go, and I decided to try this in third person this time instead of first. Tell me what you prefer. I honestly found it easier in first, opinions? I’m going to try to upload at least weekly now, and don’t forget to rate, comment and follow guys. ((: <3

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