Richard part the two.
His dripping with water hair is hindering his face making it look gloomier and frightening.

"Do you have anything you want to say to my wife?" He asks.

Red on the side is glaring crossed arms.
This is what he dealt daily so he let his father handle this one.
He swims away looking for another seashell.


"It's just a dare from college students." April said and pats Richard's thick arms.
She felt a shudder so she let go.
'Is my hand hot? Or it is his arms?'

Richard looks at the tanned man.
"So? What is the dare?"

"That...It is alright. It's not important." The man blushes looking at the taller Richard.
He always thought of himself as huge but this guy looks stronger.

Richard coldly glanced at him.
"My wife's number? Take mine then. Let's talk when you are not busy." He said.

The guy refuses and swims away.

April giggles.
"That is too harsh."

Richard looks at April seriously.
April blushes and looks at the water.

"Let me check your phone later." He said and swam away.

April is stunned.
" phone? Ah." She laughs.
"I did have a lot of unsaved numbers texting me and some few that I saved for an emergency." She wryly smiles.
'I hope he forgets about it before I can write those hopeful numbers of people that I can call after my divorce.' She sighs.
Then a small smile appears on her lips.
"Since when did you care,husband?"

She swam a bit farther and then got scared of the depths and she went back to the shore.
She watches Red and Richard playing in the sea together.
Red is showing Richard some seashell and Richard keeps nodding his head.

April smiles.
"That future wife is lucky. Shr can enjoy this sight everyday without feeling fear of losing it."
She sighs and puts her head on her knees.
The wave is hitting her feet every now and then.
It is so peaceful.

Richard looks at April on the shore. She looks so lonely sitting there like that.
He saw lots of men behind taking an interest at her naked back.
Some even boldly take a picture.
Some even want to touch her.

There is this sense of pride and anger mix very well as he stood far away staring at them.

He wanted to say. "That is my wife." Proudly and "That is my wife." Angrily.

He walks to the shore and shakes the sleeping April.
"Wake up. Aren't you cold?"

"Eh? Husband?"
She yawns and stretches her arms.
Her chest almost touches his chest.
He looks down and sees her huge chest.
He always knows this woman has a nice figure.
But seeing it up close is really an eye opener.

April sluggishly stood up.
Richard catches her before she loses her footing.

"Don't move too fast. Are your limbs alright? Should I carry you?"

April blinks and looks at the wet haired Richard.
"Can you carry me? Despite how I look I am heavy."

"Well....You'll never know."
Richard never carried anyone before except his previous wife when she was going to give birth to Red. He carried her in his arms so effortlessly but maybe it is because of the tension he felt.

Red walks to them.
"I am cold." He said, wrapping his body in the towel.

April smiles.
"Help me stand up." She said.
If even the boy doesn't act willful. How unsightly it was to act so childish in front of a boy?

Richard covers her with a huge blanket and helps her to walk until her sleeping limbs coordinate well again.

They went back to the hotel and washed the sea water away by taking a bath.
Red is playing with his phone while April is drying her hair with a blower.

Richard is reading a magazine wearing only a cotton shirt and shorts.

"I feel sluggish and sleepy." April said after drying her hair, she hugs Red and pressed him to the bed.

"Ump! What? Then sleep. Didn't you sleep on the beach?" Red pouts and escapes her hug. He went to Richard's side.

"After swimming it does feel like a good thing to sleep huh." Richard said and put the magazine down.

Red pouts.
"Let's go out and play more." He says because it is rare for Richard to be present and play with him.

Richard smiles.
"Let's sleep for 2 hours. Eat lunch outside and play in an amusement park. How about it?"
He asks and rubs Red's head.

"Good!" April said and rubs her body to the comfy bed.
"I am one with the bed. We are lovers."
She said yawning.

"Are you cheating me with a bed?" Richard laughs and rubs her head.
He kisses Red and puts him in the center.
"Let's sleep?"

Red looks at April and then at Richard.
He kisses his father and pats April cheek then he covers his whole body in the thick blanket.

Richard laughs and he controls the temperature inside the room before he stretches his arms covering his son and wife.


4 hours of reading and making these two chapters for the loyal readers. I don't mind the struggle for people who are very kind to me. Thank you.♡

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