Chapter 22

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I knew when I woke up that Diggy had already left. Perry flew out here so they could record some stuff with Spin.

I had my first game today and I was beyond excited.

I quickly showered,brushed my teeth, threw on my 'PINK' sweatpants and matching sweatshirt then got Danielle ready.

Once I was done with breakfast I was just about to leave when the doorbell rang.

I jumped to the door on one foot as I put on my KD sneakers at the same time.

YN-Thot walk, thot walk.

I laughed at myself as I opened the door to see a delivery man with a bouquet of flowers.

YN-Hi. *Smile*

Delivery Man-Good morning Ms.Jordan, these are for you. *Hands you the flowers* Please sign here. *Hands you a pen and a clip board*

After I signed the clip board and said good bye and thank you to the delivery man I walked into the kitchen to see who these were from even though I had an idea...

I was right. Diggy!

The card inside the bouquet read 'Good morning texts with little emojis are way too simple for you Babygirl. So enjoy these 'Good morning flowers' I love you gorgeous! I'll see you at your game. Kiss Dan for me. Good luck! XOXO Diggy'

YN-Aweee! You screeched as you sat the card down and finished getting ready.

Once I was out of the house and at the stadium I went straight into the locker room with Danielle in her carrier.

YN-Hey girls.

Your Team mates-BABY! They all smiled and waved.

They called me baby because of my age. I didn't really mind it though. They reminded me of my old co-workers at the salon back in Jersey.

After I sat down, Kaden, another girl who also just recently joined the team came over to me.


YN-Hey. *Smile and throw your jersey over your head*

Kaden-Yooo that's a joke! She says pointing to the back of your jersey.


Kaden-Your jersey says Jordan 10!

YN-*Laugh* Oh no! My last name really is Jordan and my daughter is 10 months old so *shrugs*

Kaden-That's dope! *Smiles*

Danielle-*Makes baby noises*

YN-*Look at her* Speak English stink!

Danielle-*Giggles and kicks her feet*

Kaden-Awe! Oh my gosh she's so cute!

YN-Oh it's a gift *Flip your hair*

Kaden-*Straight faces you*


Diggy's P.O.V.

After Perry and I finished up some studio stuff I had to speed to YN's game. It was 4:00 PM now so I knew I had about 45 minutes to get there.

When I arrived I ran inside scanning my pass on the door and running to the stadium. I heard fans cheering and music playing.

I finally saw the court.

I saw Kim holding Danielle so I jogged over to her.

Diggy-Hey *Smiles*

Danielle-*Kicks her feet and smiles*

Kim-Hey *Smiles* I think I'm doing good with her. She's kind of umm... little? But...she's very cute.

Danielle-*Looks at Kim blankly*

Diggy-*Takes Danielle from Kim* Your weird. *Chuckles* *Walks to the court side seat*

Kim-DIGGY! She yelled.

About 10 minutes later the announcer started calling names and girls began to run out. This was kind of exciting no lie. Once they were done introducing everyone the lights went out and different music began to play.

A few seconds later YN's face appeared on the mega screen. I heard people begin to scream and I heard YN's team mates start chanting...



And there she came. YN ran from behind the crowd as people in the stands reached for her. She reached her arms up and touched a few people. It was amazing seeing all these people hype to see my baby!

Swish! I'm ballin'

I'm so aweso-...

Music faded out and the lights came back on as YN reached the middle of the court.

Someone passed her the ball.

YN-*Takes the mic while dribbling the ball* Lets play.

The crowd went crazy from her words and the game began.


I was doing the damn thing out here! Crossing people over, slam dunking, playing defense and even doing little dances when I made a free throw shot.

There was 4 minutes left on the clock and the score was 51-16. We were winning but I felt kind of tired.

When the ticker went off and the ball got passed to me I began to dribble to the other side of the court as Kaden and Sara played my defense.

YN-*Singing to yourself* Tryna break a record like a DJ, that's one hundred 50 bottles in one night...act right!

I was simply undisturbed...I guess my fans found this funny because some of them laughed as I sang to myself.

When I made it to the net I swished the ball in and the crowd went wild.

YN-Too easyyyyy! You yelled as you began to do the 'Carlton' dance from The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.

I looked over at the court side seats to see my biggest fans standing up, yelling and clapping.

YN-*Blow Diggy and Danielle a kiss*

Diggy-*Catches it and smiles at you*

It feels good to be loved all around...

Once I did my press conference for the big win I drove my car home with Danielle in the back and Diggy drove his car following me.

Once we got home Diggy said he had a surprise for me.

Diggy-It's nothing bad just go check it out. *Smirks*

YN-Are they August Alsina's nudes?

Diggy-*Laughs* Hell no! Go to our bathroom and see.

YN-Fine! I stomped up the steps and into our bathroom.

Oh my gosh...what was he doing here?! I immediately started crying.

?-Awe come here give me a hug! *Pulls you into a tight hug*

YN-Oh my gosh HI! *Laugh and continue to cry*

The best surprise ever definitely!

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