Final Chapter

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YN-DanDan who's that baby? *Point to the TV screen*

Danielle-Uncle BryBry! She clapped her hands looking at Bryshere on your flat screen TV that hung from the middle of your bedroom wall.

YN-Yeah. *Laugh*

We had moved into our house in New Jersey and it was perfect. A lot of windows, a nice pool for Dan and Dwayne, circular architecture, and Dig had already baby proofed everything.

Diggy-Babe, I'm here now! He called from downstairs.

YN-Oh, okay here I come. You yelled back down to him from your bedroom. Let's go chubs.



Danielle-Pretty. *Giggles*

YN-DanDan's even prettier though. *Laugh and pick her up*

You walked downstairs with Danielle on your hip and saw Diggy sitting at the counter.

Dwayne was standing on the counter bouncing his knees as he wrapped his entire hand around Diggy's pointer fingers and held himself up.


Diggy-Get it, get it, show 'em how you do. He chanted at Dwayne and chuckled.

YN-*Laugh* Hey. *Peck Diggy's lips twice* *Kiss Dwayne's cheek*

Dwayne-*Falls on his butt on the counter* *Whines*

Diggy-Awe your okay.

Dwayne-*Giggles and looks at Diggy*

Whenever Dwayne looked at Diggy his eyes lit up. It was like Diggy amazed him, and it made me melt.

He yelled as he kissed Dwayne's forehead.

YN-*Laugh* Here. *Hand him Danielle*

Danielle-*Kisses Dwayne's nose* Hi bubby. *Giggles*

Diggy-*Laughs* Hey baby. *Sits Danielle on his lap* Your sure you want to go alone?

YN-Yeah, I'll be fine.

Diggy's P.O.V.

YN said since we were back in New Jersey she had some things she wanted to do. I already knew what that meant and I didn't think she should go alone but I guess she knows what's best for her.

After YN had left I just played with my kids.

Diggy-*Throws Danielle in the air and catches her*

Danielle-*Laughing* Again, again!

Diggy threw her up again and she broke out into a fit of laughter.

Danielle-Daddy, I wuv you.

Diggy-I love you more beautiful.

Danielle-Okay. *Looks at him blankly*


Dwayne-*Starts crying*

I put Danielle down on the new white soft carpeted floor of the living room and picked Dwayne up.

Diggy-What's wrong man, huh? Dirty diaper? *Lifts Dwayne in the air and sniffs his butt* OH LAWD BOY!






Kevin-*Smacks you across the face* Get out. *Clenches his jaw*

YN-Fuck. *Hold your face and begin to cry*

My dad and I have never had the perfect relationship, but he has never hit me before.

YN-Fine. *Sniffle* Don't say I didn't try.

Karen-KEVIN! Your mom screamed as she saw your dads handprint forming on your face.

YN-It's fine, mom. I'll leave you two alone forever, promise. *Sniffle and walk to the front door* Oh, and I named my son Dwayne.

You slammed the front door as you exited.

I got in my car and just sat there crying for a moment in the drive way. I had planned on seeing Diggy's family since they were right next door but I just didn't want them to see me like this right now.

I started the car and drove to see her.

When I arrived I took a deep breath and got out of my car slowly, walking up to where I knew she would be located.

YN-*Sit in the grass* Hey girl... *Sniffle* I'm sorry I didn't come to your funeral, I was still angry. Childish, I know. *Wipe your tears* I just came to say that I do forgive you, and I love you.

Wind began to pick up and gust across your face as you sat and talked to her grave stone.

YN-*Giggle* Dwayne's good too...he looks just like Diggy and Danielle looks just like me. *Sniffle* I miss you, Lauren.

You looked at your cell phone waiting for your lock screen to display the time.

YN-...I need to get going but...I love you.

You began to break down crying once it really sunk in that your best friend was gone forever.

You kissed her gravestone and stood up. Diggy was right, you shouldn't have come alone.

I turned around and bumped into someone. From their scent I knew it was Diggy.

YN-Baby. You whimpered and hugged him tightly.

Diggy-*Stroking your hair* I know baby, I know. *Kisses your forehead* It's okay I promise.

Diggy always knew what to do, which was one of the many reasons I loved him.

After you got yourself together and walked back to your car you told Diggy you would meet him back at his parents house, where he had dropped the kids off.

I drove to the local florist and got a large bouquet of 2 dozen white roses.

Florist-Okay, just write what you want on this card. *Smiles and hands you a small white card*

"Dear Mariah,

I'm going to keep this simple. I'm sorry! Please enjoy these flowers from Daniel and I.
-YN J. Simmon's"

YN-*Pull out Mariah's business card from your wallet* Just send those to this address please.

The address printed on the card was where Mariah's real estate office was located.

I drove back to Diggy's parents house and rung the door bell.

Rev Run-BALLIN' *Pretends to swish a ball into a net in the air*

YN-*Laugh and hug him*

Miley hugged your waist and smiled up at you.


YN-BEST FRIEND! *Laugh and hug her back* Hey girl.

Diggy walked out from the kitchen with Spin behind him.

Diggy-*Laughing* Ohh it's my baby mama! Gimme some sugar ma'. *Puckers his lips*

YN-*Laugh and peck Diggy's lips*

It was funny to me when he said that, because we've come a long way.

We've had two beautiful babies together, broken-up, argued, made wild love and even thought about separating.

However, through it all I always have and always will love Diggy.

I was SO much more than just Diggy's Baby Mama, and that's an amazing feeling.

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