New Seeker [Edited]

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A few days later in the afternoon, outside the castle, the students, Gryffindor and Slytherin, are lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides.

Bluebell had been really excited about it, Lorena who had more experience with the wizard Quidditch game than the others, explained everything she knew about it and for what Bluebell heard it was really awesome and it excited her incredibly.

"Oh bruv, I can't believe today is the day." Said Bluebell exited as she observed the broom.

"Yes, we know, we heard you the first 50 times." Eric said from next to her.

"No honestly, I have the jitters and shit"

"Good to know someone has it. Honestly I can't believe they are making us do something as dangerous as flying from a blo— fucking broom." Said Roman glaring at the broom on the ground. "If I die today, you better avenge me."

"Stop throwin' a wobbly would you?" Said Blue, rolling her eyes.

"A what?"

She ignored him and turn to see Lorena who hadn't talk in a while which was a bit weird for the girl considering the girl normally made a comment here and there.

Lorena was looking at the floor. Her gaze turn from the floor to some girls in the Slytherin side. One of them who she recognized as Pansy Parkinson a mean Slytherin girl, gave her the stinky eye forcing Lorena's gaze returned to the floor.

Blue glared at the Slytherins before swinging an arm around her shoulders. "Lore, tell Roman he's being a baby."

Lorena smiled returned to her face as she looks at the boy. "He's just scared that's all."

Roman gapes at them. "I'm not scared."

"Tell that to your shaking flamingo legs" Eric nodded his head at Roman's legs.

The three of them laugh as Roman glares at them. "Shut up, you absolute sods."

Madam Hooch, comes down the line. She has short hair and hawk yellow eyes.

"Good afternoon, class."

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch." The class answered.

Hooch walked between the lines of students "Good afternoon, Amanda, good afternoon."

Roman frown and looked around "Who the hell is Amanda?"

Hooch turn to the class "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, up!"

The class repeated "Up!"

After Bluebell said "Up"! the broom immediately flies into her hand.

She smirk proudly and turn to her friends. None of them had yet to get their brooms up.The closer one being Eric. He after a few more tries did it.

She noticed that Ginny's Broom was already in her hand and she was chatting with Parvati who was struggling with her broom.

Blue turn her head when she heard Malfoy said "Up" and his broomstick flies up making the boy smugly grin at her.

She smirk and wink at him "Great job darling"

The boy smug smile fall out and his face turn a shade of pink. He opened his mouth to say something but he doesn't not what do say just closed it again and glared at her.

"With feeling!" Said the professor.

"Up. Up. Up. Up" said Lorena as her broomstick slowly rises.

"Up!!" Roman said loudly and his broom immediately shot up and whacked him on the nose "Ooh!"

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