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"And when you step inside the building—Boom! you enter MACUSA, it is rather odd, but in a wicked sort of way." Roman tells, as they walked through the halls to get breakfast.

"What were you doing in MACUSA?" Asked Eric.

"Well, if you had bothered to read my letters then you'll know my grandfather is an Auror." Roman sent him a look which earned an eye roll from Eric. "And I had to register my new wand or whatever, American laws, who can understand them?"

Lorena pipped in the conversation with an enthusiastic smile. "I know a little bit of America's laws, like the one in which witches and wizards can't have intimate relationships with muggles..."

"That's fuckin' stupid." Bluebell murmurs, she looked ahead, head held high as she looked at the many faces of the students, trying to find a few familiar ones, although due to her lack of glasses all faces look blurry.

"Anyways my trip went well, my favorite part was when I went to see Greenday." Roman said, holding his hand up, doing a rock sign, his nails painted in black. 

Bluebell snorted, glancing at him. "Where did ya get black nail polish?"

"I brought it back from America among her other things." Roman tells her, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'll show you later."

When the four entered the Great Hall for breakfast, the first thing they saw was Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very funny story. As they passed, Malfoy did a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit and there was a roar of laughter.

Bluebell stopped in her tracks with a glare settled on the table but Lorena pushed her forward softly.

"Ignore him," she said, giving her a pleading look. "Just ignore him, it's not worth it..."

Bluebell sighs, she nodded and began to move again, Eric grabbed into Roman's sleeves, who was sending the Slytherin's a nasty glare, to move him forward. "Come on, Roman."

"Hey, King!" shrieked Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl with a face like a pug. "King! The Dementors are coming, King! Woooooooooo!"

"Shut your hole, Pug face." Roman yelled at them.

Bluebell dropped into a seat at the Gryffindor table, next to George Weasley.

"New third-year course schedules," said George, passing then, over. "What's up with you, Blue?"

"Malfoy," said Eric, sitting down on George's other side with a small smile while Roman took a seat next to Blue, glaring over at the Slytherin table and Lorena in front of them.

George looked up in time to see Malfoy pretending to faint with terror again.

"That little git," he said calmly. "He wasn't so cocky last night when the Dementors were down at our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, Fred?"

"Nearly wet himself," said Fred, with a contemptuous glance at Malfoy.

"I wasn't too happy myself," said George. "They're horrible things, those Dementors..."

"Sort of freeze your insides, don't they?" said Fred.

"You didn't pass out, though, did you?" said Bluebell in a low voice.

"Forget it, Blue," said George bracingly. "Dad had to go out to Azkaban one time, remember, Fred? And he said it was the worst place he'd ever been, he came back all weak and shaking...They suck the happiness out of a place, Dementors. Most of the prisoners go mad in there."

"Anyway, we'll see how happy Malfoy looks after our first Quidditch match," said Fred, sending Blue a smile. "Gryffindor versus Slytherin, first game of the season, remember?"

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