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Tension filled the air. It was almost palpable.

However as the four students silently stand in front of Professor Lupin's desk, which happens to have the Playboy Magazine set on full display, its cover blatantly featuring a half-naked woman, was a bit comical for Bluebell. She couldn't help it. Not even as Lupin looks at each of them with his arms crossed yet not saying a word, letting his disapproval be felt instead of heard, did this situation make her feel anything but pure amusement.

She tried her best to keep a poker face, of course, all she had to do was not, by any means, turn to face any of her friends. Instead, Blue kept her gaze down, giving a faux feeling of shame to those around her.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Professor Lupin spoke. "So, do you have any explanation for this?" When no one answered he continued, voice dripping with condemnation. "You four are aware that bringing such magazines into school, let alone class, is prohibited."

"Professor, we are sorry," It was Eric who answered, he out of all of them was the most apologetic. Lorena was nodding along, just as apologetic as Eric yet slightly more nervous.

"We really are, Professor. It... we..."

As Lorena struggled to come up with an excuse for them, Bluebell spoke, she looked up at the brown eyes of the tired-looking Professor with a cheeky grin. "Come of it, sir, we know that we broke the rules, but we didn't mean any harm by it. We're just havin' a bit of fun, that's all."

Roman chimed in, his dramatic flair adding to the tension in the room. "Indeed, sir," he continued. "No harm has been done. Those beautiful women have not wronged us, and nor have we wronged them. Who are we to judge them for what they do with their own bodies? To my knowledge, they have not committed a crime at all, so what harm could there possibly be in looking at their pictures?"

While Eric pinches the bridge of his nose and Lorena's eyes shine with disbelief, Bluebell and Roman try hard to hide their grins, but it is of no use. After all, it wasn't every day that the stern professor Lupin had to deal with students who were caught with a Playboy magazine. They glanced at each other out of the corner of their eyes, fighting back laughter. They knew if they gave in and laughed, they would be in even more trouble, so they tried their best to look serious and ashamed.

Professor Lupin did not look impressed, however, his expression was not one of sternness. "Are you done with your little performance?"

"A performance?" Bluebell huffs in defence of her friend, unable to hold back another smirk as words fly out of her. "A bit harsh way to put it, innit? Professor, the world is changin', and with change comes evolution. Those before us might have considered these magazines to be taboo, but ya see sir, the youth of today see no reason why they should be outlawed. It's just a magazine after all, with pretty pictures for those who enjoy them. Why are ya so intent on punishin' us over somethin' trivial?"

Roman adds to Bluebell's points, agreeing with her. "Exactly. It's quite clear that you, our professor, is out of touch with modern times, and cannot understand the changes that are happening all around us. If you would just take a moment to look at the broader picture, Professor Lupin sir, you would realize that there are many things that require your attention far more than a harmless magazine."

Bluebell smiled at Professor Lupin innocently while amused by Roman's overly dramatic statement and his uncharacteristic lavish tone. She knew that despite the situation being serious, Roman was enjoying himself and his theatrical flair, and she couldn't help but find it entertaining. Blue and Roman shared a wink, both enjoying the situation and seeing how far they could push the limits. They were undoubtedly getting into trouble, but they were going down with a laugh.

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