Potions and Parcels [Edited]

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It is the first morning at Hogwarts and Bluebell and Roman were running through the halls trying to find the classroom. At breakfast the two were the ones that lasted longer eating, savoring every bit of food the hall had to offer, Eric had warned them that they didn't had enough time to eat much but they ignored him hence why Lorena, who was the only one who listen to Eric and him left without them.

The two walked into many classrooms, Interrupted many speeches and explanations of whatever the students were learning, unfortunately none of them were the one's they were looking for. After many failed attempts Roman and Bluebell finally got to the right class, making the both of them to shared a relief sigh.

"Whew, I can't believe we made it." Said Bluebell, as they entered the class.

Roman laughs cutting through the silence of the class. "Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late on our first day?"

Suddenly a cat jumps off the desk and transforms into Professor McGonagall in front of them.

The two are amazed.

"That was blood— that was  brilliant." Said Roman awestruck.

McGonagall look at him and gave him a sharp nod. "Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Marcel. Perhaps if I were to transfigure Mrs. King and yourself into a pocketwatch, that way one of you might be on time."

"Come on professor McGonagall, it's our first day we just got lost." Said Blue in their defense with a lopsided grin.

McGonagall hums unimpressed. "Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

Roman snorted which turn into a awkward fake cough when McGonagall turn to him.


"And would you please Mrs. King wear the uniform properly" said the professor and with a wave her wand; the mess of Blue's tie suddenly was tied properly and her white shirt was being tuck into her skirt.

"Cheers Professor." She chocked out as the tie was tightly made around her throat.

Once they were sitting, Bluebell opened her book but everything was blurry. She pats her robes in hopes to find her glasses but they weren't there.

She sighs the only time she actually wanted her glasses they weren't there.

A tsk caught her attention. She turn to Lorena who was sitting behind her. She hold her hand and gave her the glasses.

Bluebell smiled in appreciation. "You are life savior, Blood."

"I knew you'll forget about them." Said Lorena with a bashful smile.

"You know, we all should make copies of your glasses and keep them with us just in case." Roman said as he opened his book. "The same with your inhaler."

"How are we going to clone them?" Asked Bluebell leaning back on her seat, pushing her glasses up her nose.

Roman shrugged, arms crossing. "Maybe a spell, this is the wizarding world my darlings, everything is posible."

"What's going to be highly possible it's a detention if you four keep talking." McGonagall warns.

"Sorry" they said in unison.

"I read about this charm, Gemino charm, apparently it creates an exact replica of whatever object we want." Eric whispers earning a sly smirk from all of them.


Later on, inside Snape's potions classroom, the students are chattering, sitting near steaming cauldrons.

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