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Pushing through the crowd, Bluebell witnessed the newly erected podium, on which was mounted the most magnificent broom she had ever seen in her life.... for the fourth time that week. And it still takes her breath away each time she lays eyes on the broom.

She remembered the first time she had seen the famous Firebolt, she was walking around Diagon Alley with Eric and Luke, (Amelia had reluctantly let them leave the house with the promise to not leave) after changing her Muggle money for gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and bronze Knuts.

Bluebell was excited because all her hard work over the summer paid off and that paired with the galleons she made the past year was a vast amount of money, she could buy whatever she wanted, unfortunately she had Eric to 'help her' with her self-control and not spend the whole lot at once, Eric had to keep reminding her that they still had five years to go at Hogwarts.

He had to talked her out from buying a solid gold Gobstones (a wizarding game rather like marbles, in which the stones squirt a nasty-smelling liquid into the other player's face when they lose a point) a moving model of the galaxy in a large glass ball, which would have meant she never had to take another Astronomy lesson and finally recognized the constellations but Eric had swiftly moved her away from the window, although she could see it in his eyes the moving model was something he would very much like to own. Bluebell could control herself well enough but the thing that tested her resolution most appeared in her favorite shop, Quality Quidditch Supplies.

After changing her money, she spotted a large group of people outside her favorite shop and curious to know what the crowd was staring at, Blue edged her way inside and squeezed in among the excited witches and wizards until she glimpsed at the most beautiful broom she had ever seen.

"Just come out -- prototype --" a square-jawed wizard was telling his companion.

"It's the fastest broom in the world, isn't it, Dad?" squeaked a boy younger than Bluebell, who was swinging off his father's arm.

"Irish International Side's just put in an order for seven of these beauties!" the proprietor of the shop told the crowd. "And they're favorites for the World Cup!"

A large witch in front of Bluebell moved, and she wasn't able to read the sign next to the broom because, naturally, she wasn't wearing her glasses so she had to ask the person next to her to read it for her. 

What she expected from the broom was nothing from what it actually was, the firebolt was practically a masterpiece, a work of art and all for the small cost of your firstborn or 'Price on request' as they called it.

She had never wanted anything as much in her whole life -- but she had never lost a Quidditch match on her Nimbus Two Thousand, a gift from her sister. The broom was very important to her, and why should she buy another when she already has one? No to mention she didn't have the money. Regardless, Bluebell returned almost every day after that, just to look at the Firebolt much to Eric's irritation.

"Ugh, Bluebell not again." Eric scoffs, and dragged her away from the display.

Bluebell groaned as Eric pulled her by the arm. "But Eric, let me just live my fantasy for a little, please."

"Merlin help me, Blue you still got things to buy." Eric told her, leading her to Flourish and Blotts which Blue had avoided like the plague for the past weeks. "Important school spellbooks for this year."

That would include those for her two new subjects, Care of Magical Creatures and Divination.

"I know, I know." Blue rolled her eyes letting herself be taken away. "I just want to dream."

"That's for when you're sleeping, focus on school in the daytime."

"Ack, you're starting to sound like Amelia."

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