Keeper of the Keys [Edited]

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The sea is beautiful, the sound of the waves and the smell of the saltwater made Bluebell smile softly even in the stormy night, inside a tall house on a rock island, where Bianca had rented a house.

The Scott's, including Bluebell, have temporarily moved there after the chaos with the letters.

Very dramatic of Bianca's part, if you ask the Bluebell but in the Scott household drama is something that's never missing.

They were all sleeping.

Blue was on the cold, dirt floor and Olivia sleeping on a sofa passed out after complaining that she was hungrfor most of f the night.

Blue out of boredom, has drawn a birthday cake with the dust of the floor which reads, Happy Birthday Blue. She looks at the Dora the explorer watch in Olivias wrist, which beeps 12:00.

"Make a wish." She whispers to herself then she blows the "candles" on the drawn birthday cake. 

"That was uneventful"

Suddenly, the door thumps, in sync with the thunder flashing causing Bluebell to jump on.

The door thumps again causing Olivia and Blue to jump up to their feet and back away.

"What is that?" Asked Olivia.

"How the bloody hell should I know?" Bluebell rolls her eyes.

She then hides behind a wall, and Olivia cowers on a windowsill. Bianca then appears, holding a small hand gun.

Blue scoff  "What's that gonna do? Make tiny holes in their clothes?"

Bianca gave her a glare "Be grateful I ain't pointin' it at you"

There was another bang making all the girls jump.

"Who's there? Ahh!" The door bangs again and then falls down, and a giant man appears.

As he comes into the clear lighting behind him another figure entered. One Blue recognize instantly.

"Sorry 'bout that." Said the big man sheepishly and puts the door back up

"I'm bloody soaking" grumbles Amelia running a hand through her clothes.

"Amy?" Asked Blue gaining the attention of the brunette.

Amelia smiled warmly, looking at her. "Belle"

Bluebell didn't wait a moment longer before running to her and Amelia was waiting for her with open arms.

They collided and Blue hug Amelia tightly, afraid that is she let go she'll vanish.

"You're back."

"I promised you I'll be back" whisper Amelia bringing unwanted tears in Blue's eyes.

"'ow nice." The giant man sniffles.

Their reunion was cut shot when Bianca spoke aiming her gun at the giant "I demand that you leave at once! You two are breaking and entering!"

"Bianca, it's been a while." Amelia glared at Bianca who glared back "Not enough. Now get out." She pointed the gun at Amelia.

"Think for a second will you?" Amelia rolled her eyes "What would happen if you do shoot me? You'll go to jail..."

"At least I won't have to deal with you." Sneered Bianca.

Olivia quietly gasps in fear when the giant moved forward grabs the gun with one hand, crushed it. "Dry up, Scott, you insufferable wench."

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