Kiss It Tight

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The bells chimed invitingly as Scarlett opened the doors to Scarlet Stitches. She welcomed the ladies and Ezio to the shop to see some designs she had been working on.

Everyone marveled at the pieces on display while Scarlett made a quick escape to the backroom. No one knew she'd been in contact with Bruce and that he'd helped arrange a special convention at an exclusive showroom in the city. This was an opportunity to meet and greet old clientele and to make new fans. Perhaps the others could get some publicity for their businesses, too.

"Here we are, ladies," she announced, carting out a rack into the display room. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Are you kidding? All we're doing is modeling, and - um, hello?" Divya replied, twirling dramatically. Scarlett rolled her eyes and started handing out everyone's outfits.

"Wow, Scarlett," Desiree whistled, pulling out her garments. "When did you have the time to work on this?"

"Oh, here and there," she smirked. "Cosplay making is more a hobby, completely apart from my fashion designing. I dabble in it from time to time."

"These are incredible," Saber praised. "You are extremely talented. Gotham doesn't deserve you."

"It doesn't, but~" she drawled.

"When does it start?" Zane asked eagerly. "I can't wait to begin!"

Scarlett motioned them into the backroom. "I want to do everyone's hair and makeup first. I have accessories, too."

"Yay, makeover!" Ezio cheered, leading the crowd to the back.


Zain picked them up and transported them to their venue. The line of people waiting for entry went on for three blocks. He pulled around to the back so that they could use the private entrance. Bruce waited there like a sentry, beckoning them over.

"Hello," Scarlett greeted as he opened the door. She slipped inside, everyone single-filed behind her,  a chorus of 'whoa' erupting as they discovered what she'd been up to.

The modest piece of floor space she rented was decorated perfectly, the food displayed as desired, the DJ on standby and the caterers waiting for her orders.

"Alright, people, let's get started," she called out. 

Everyone spread out to different sections as she motioned for the music to start. The bouncer nodded and began scanning tickets, letting the stream of patrons in. Everyone that entered look astonished. She immediately greeted the guests with gusto, shaking hands, signing merchandise and taking pictures. The flow of commissions was instantaneous.

Things were going smashingly. What she was honestly expecting to be the equivalent of a mundane book signing was turning out to be more like the dance of her dreams with her idol.

She went to the refreshment table to pour herself a drink when Conner crept up behind her.

"This is quite the party you're throwing," his voice breezed by her ear. She turned to drink in his enticing appearance, grinning pleasantly.

"Not a party. A publicity convention. A peacock gathering," she replied. "Business was slow, and pieces were settling, so I decided to give things a much needed jolt."

She motioned to a group of people who were browsing away on her electronic catalogues. 

"Richard helped me put those together," she explained. "Simplified shopping. You purchase with your card or claim for cash, and pick up within 30 days."

"Cute. Except, I didn't receive any personal invitation," he said, his eyes narrowing.

"Bruce's general invitation worked just fine," she commented. "I mean, here you are."

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