Catherine Kissed Eve

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It was a perfect Wednesday morning, and Scarlet Stitches was busier than it'd ever been. Only an hour into her shift, Scarlett had already made $2500 in sales. It was days like this that made her consider hiring some help, but she wasn't ready to take that step. Maybe when Ezio was older, but he was the only exception. She realized it wasn't a healthy way of thinking, but she wasn't willing to share this vision with anyone else.

Besides, she didn't really need the help. She worked with much more ease when she was under pressure, so she knew how to wrangle this hustle, no problem.

"Excuse me, miss. May we get some help over here?" a petite young lady asked her. Putting on her best saleswoman smile, she sailed over to the girl and her boyfriend. She was holding up one of her spring pieces, and Scarlett could perfectly envision how splendid she'd look in it. 

"You've picked the perfect top," she said, taking it from her and holding it against her slight frame. "The form accentuates your adorable figure, and the print complements your flirty and sweet personality."

"Y-you really think so?" the girl gushed, glanced up at her boyfriend. "I wasn't sure, but if you really say so!"

"If you don't believe me, you're free to try it on," Scarlet assured. "The dressing rooms are in the back. Once you see yourself in it, I'm sure you'll be more confident in your intuition."

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, rushing off and leaving her boyfriend behind. Cha-ching~. Scarlett fist-pumped in her head.

"Wow, that's the fastest she's ever made up her mind," the guy comment beside her. She glanced over to find him smiling down on her. "You're really good at what you do."

"Thank you. I try to design my clothes based on not only the things I like, but what I believe my clientele might relate to," she explained, folding her arms assertively. "Their happiness is my success."

"Wow, you designed all of this by yourself?" he gasped, looking around the store like he was really seeing it for the first time. "Amazing. Talented and beautiful. Your boyfriend must be smitten."

Scarlett laughed dryly. Normally, she made a habit of not responding rudely to people, but sometimes it just slipped.

"I don't know what a 'boyfriend' is, but I'm delighted that you like my designs." She pasted on a more sincere smile. "If you stay on board long enough, I'll have some fashion for men, especially as handsome as yourself."

The guy blushed, and she felt amused at how easy it was to make her customers melt. But before he could offer a response, her phone alerted her to a message. Thank goodness; she had been growing bored with his conversation.

"Excuse me, I must take this," she said, turning on her heel and walking away as she whipped out her phone. Opening her texts, she grimaced when she saw whom it was from:

[Asshole: What r u doing?]

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. He always texted her at the worst times. Why she wasn't used to this by now?

[S. Rose: I'm working, like always. What do you want?]

His response came instantaneously, as usual, yet it never failed to scare the crap out of her.

[Asshole: R u flirting with guys?]

[S. Rose: No. Leave me alone!] 

Mind your damn business! 

The question made her angry and flustered. She'd almost forgotten it'd been three days since Conner had . . . claimed her as his, she supposed? She still didn't know what the status of their relationship was exactly, and she didn't really know how to broach the subject. 

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