Sushi Or Die

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It was Friday, the day after Saber's big showcase of The Sun and the Moon Queen, and she had invited Scarlett out to lunch at Death By Decadence. Everything had been fairly normal. After showering immense praise for the playwright's latest masterpiece, the ladies proceeded to exchange stories about the past two weeks since their departure from Wayne Manor. Even Zain had come over to sit and shoot the breeze with them, until Saber had blurted out something outrageous.

"Uh, yeah," she said, looking at the two's stunned expressions. "Kaldur and I are going to the beach tomorrow. We're inviting everyone."

"You and Kaldur?" they both said in unison. Scarlett sounded wickedly happy, while Zain looked floored.

"Yes," she said slowly, beginning to look worried. "Is there something wrong?"

"Since when is there a you and Kaldur?!" Zain urged, leaning in closer to her.

"Oh, isn't it wonderful?" Scarlett chimed, reaching across to pat Saber's hand delightedly. "I'm so proud of you, girl!"

"Wait, what?" she asked, snatching up her hand. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Scarlett gushed.

"You've never referred to yourself and a guy in the same sentence before!" Zain pointed out.

"That must imply that you finally made it happen with Kaldur!" they both exclaimed simultaneously.

"WHAT?!" Saber cried, turning several shades of red. "Where the hell did you get THAT idea from? There's nothing going on between us!"

They both looked crestfallen, beginning to sink back into their seats when:

"Well . . . at least I don't think so?"

They both gasped, flinging themselves back on top of the table.



"Everything," they said, really creeping Saber out. But she relented, proceeding to tell them about her past two weeks in more detail.


Monday Before Last

Saber sighed as she finished unpacking her things from vacation, flopping down on her bed to stare at the ceiling. It was such a relief to be home, but home felt a smidgen colder and emptier than when she'd first left. She'd never spent so much time around such lively people before. She had never wanted to, but after experiencing it . . .

Her heart wrenched, and she turned on her side, shrinking into fetal position. She was definitely missing the times she'd had. But more than that, she had regrets.

Why hadn't she said goodbye to him?

She shook her head, trying to get the image of him out of her mind, but she couldn't. She had never taken interest in a man that way before; she had no idea how it started, or why. It probably helped that he was so handsome, and that he turned out to be her type when she never even knew she had one! It felt kind of odd that he fit the bill, but he just did.

Or at least she thought . . .

It had all been confusing from the very beginning, and she honestly didn't want to deal with any of it. She tried to convey as much by keeping him at bay, even though she felt bad for being so hot and cold towards him. She wanted to be friendly, because he was a nice guy, but she didn't want him to read into it the way he had.

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