Squids And Sponges In Sleeveless Leotards

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The next morning, after everyone had stuffed their things into the trunk and situated themselves inside of Zain's minivan, they headed on their way to Wayne Manor. Scarlett sat shotgun, navigating the road with her GPS. 

Saber and Desiree sat directly behind, Saber avidly correcting her script and Desiree staring worriedly out the window. It was almost impossible for her to shut down the office, but she ensured the few clients there that she would still be accessible via phone and email. She was beginning to regret giving that info, but it was to be expected. Hypnotherapy was a highly favored practice, and she was the best there was in Gotham City.

Divya chilled in the very backseat alone, sprawled across the cushions as she listened to music loud enough for the whole car to hear. As expected, her agent hadn't been at all thrilled to learn that she was taking an unauthorized vacation, but some heavy negotiations had changed his tune after a while. No one knew what she had promised him, and she didn't care to share, either.

The car smelled of various flavors of coffee and some baked goods Zain had stored in the console. He had unexpectedly prepared some housewarming treats, and they were all eager to see what he had whipped up this time. Needless to say, the delightful aroma had soothed everyone's frazzled nerves by the time they arrived to their destination.

The black, iron wrought gates buzzed as they pulled up, and Zain wasted no time driving up the pathway, curving around a glorious fountain before they were parked at the companionway of Wayne Manor. Everyone gazed in awe at the glamorous mansion, surrounded by a masterfully crafted topiary garden. Even the stonework - made of the finest composites - was arranged elegantly. The architectural masterpiece was exhilarating to behold. Except for Divya, who was still distracted by her music.

"Alright, ladies. We're here," Zain breathed, turning off the car and popping the trunk. "Let's get to it!"

They all hopped out, Divya following suit when she finally noticed they'd arrived. Scarlett called her brother while they gathered their luggage, and by the time they climbed half the flight, the double doors opened to reveal an older gentleman and a young boy, both dressed in slacks and impeccable tailcoats. The boy's black, spiky bangs bounced as he ran down to greet them, his dark green eyes shimmering with joy.

"Ezio!" Scarlett cried, dropping her bags to envelope the handsome lad in a tight hug. "Look at all this wild hair!" she exclaimed, running her fingers through the untamed tresses, which were wavy in the back.

"You made it, sis! I'm so glad you're here," he said, nestling into her embrace. "We're gonna have so much fun! Let me get your things." 

He pulled away to gather up her suitcases, running back up the stairs and taking them into the manor. The six cleared the rest of the steps, pausing to greet the butler, who smiled charmingly at them.

"You must be Master Ezio's friends-" he started to say, before Scarlett interrupted by grabbing his hands and holding them to her chest lovingly.

"You're Alfred Pennyworth!" she beamed, her eyes filling with adoration. "You have no idea how much I love you!" 

After a moment, she suddenly pulled away, a blush coloring her cheeks as she remembered her manners. "I am so sorry . . . I just . . . I've wanted to meet you my whole life . . ."

"That's quite alright, dear. I'm rather flattered. It's a pleasure to meet you, too," Alfred replied resiliently, stepping aside and motioning them indoors. "Please come in."

They stepped inside the extravagant foyer, gazing in wonder at all the paintings, statues, exotic plants and fancy fixtures. The massive chandelier was enrapturing and served as a perfect centerpiece, drawing attention away from everything else.

3.1 | Complete Me ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ