Chocolate Rain And Wine Puddles

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Everyone frolicked in the pool while Conner spent his time apologizing profusely to Scarlett. It was hard for her to take him seriously as he smiled the entire time, but he insisted he was being genuine, even promising to repay her. After a while, she blew him off altogether and stormed back into the house, completely inconsolable. 

Saber followed after her to attempt soothing her ruffled feathers. The guys lectured Conner, to which he bellyached the entire time, but it was well deserved. 

The next morning, Lockheart and Zamora woke bright and early to head into the city. Conner entreated that they take him along, and they obliged without hesitation. Everyone else rose after they departed. 

Alfred took charge of breakfast; though it wasn't as sensational as when Zain was collaborating, it was still exceptional. Scarlett seemed more than happy about Conner's absence. Her eyes were dark and puffy, but no one could tell if it was from crying or staying up late, working on her fashions. No one dared to ask.

After breakfast, they lazed around in the living room, watching television. Wally and Desiree were hugged up on the love seat. Kaldur, Scarlett and Saber occupied the main sofa. Divya sat in the recliner while Richard perched on the floor by the furthest end of the couch, stealing glances at her every once in a while.

She hadn't stopped wearing those shades in the house, and he was growing more and more suspicious as to why. Ever since seeing her at the pool, he couldn't get the thought of how similar she was to Nizhoni out of his mind. 

He had never seen a body as perfect as Nizhoni's, and he shamelessly fantasized about it all the time. He had a whole collection of racy pictures of the supermodel besides the one on his ceiling, but none were a perfect embodiment of her ethereal beauty. 

Now, after seeing Divya? Those photos would forever pale to being up close and personal. Even his favorite pin-up of Nizhoni had instantaneously lost its luster. Every day from now on would be hell, waking up to that sham of a photo. He'd already torn it down and thrown it out.

Maybe - just maybe - Divya Copper and Nizhoni were one in the same? That was probably impossible, so he'd scraped the thought. Or so he believed. It still worried at the back of his mind.

"I'm thinking of having the fashion show on Saturday," Scarlett broke the silence, drawing everyone's attention. "I should have all my work completed by then."

"Awesome! Can't wait," quipped Wally.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" asked Desiree.

"The only things we really come here for are the game room, the pool, and the gym," confessed Kaldur.

"You have a gym?" Divya asked, sounding intrigued.

"State of the art!" replied Richard enthusiastically. "It has everything you for any type of workout."

"Someone take me there immediately," she said, standing from the recliner. "I think I've put on a few pounds, eating all the good shit Zain's been cooking up. I need to lose it before I get back to work."

"I think you're perfect already," Richard declared, but she made no indication of hearing him.

"Why don't we all go?" said Kaldur, and everyone followed him. 

Once they arrived, they were astonished by everything it contained. Every piece of gym equipment you could think of was right here in Wayne Manor.

"This is incredible," breathed Scarlett as she marveled at all the shiny fixtures.

"Let's cancel our Y membership," joked Saber, nudging her in the side.

"I wanna get reckt, right now," she growled.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Divya smirked. "Let's get down and dirty!"


Alfred hummed as he prepared some protein shakes in the kitchen. After a solid hour and a half workout, he wanted to have the nutritious beverages on ice when they needed them. Ezio was in the living room watching television, munching on a snack he'd made for him earlier. Everything was peaceful for the moment, so after he put the drinks in the fridge, he was free to do his usual tidying of the mansion. 

Diligent as ever, Ezio joined him after he'd finished his collation, busying themselves with setting matters in order. They saved the foyer for last, and both of them froze in their tracks when they suddenly heard the tumblers move in the front door.

"Oh dear," Alfred muttered, his heart sinking in his stomach. Ezio instinctively moved closer, and he immediately grabbed the boy, pushing him behind as he brandished a fountain pen as a weapon. 

When the door finally opened and revealed the mysterious intruder, Alfred sighed with relief, feeling silly. "Master Bruce. You're back earlier than expected."

"Affairs wrapped up so quickly, I didn't see a need to stay the week," the tall, handsome bachelor explained, closing the door and smiling at Alfred. His raven hair was a windblown mess and his fair skin was tinted rose from the cold. His blue eyes were vibrant as he regarded his reeve and the young protege under his tutelage. "You both look a little spooked. Is everything okay?"

"You scared the daylights out of us!" Ezio cried, running out from behind Alfred and tackling Bruce with a hug. "We thought a robber was coming in here. I was gonna have to protect Alfred all by myself!"

"Oh, I'm sure you could have handled them," he chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair.

"I'm compelled to inform you that we have some guests," Alfred cleared his throat. Bruce raised a brow.

"The guys aren't guests."

"Erm . . . more than that-"

"My sister and her friends are over for the week!" Ezio notified, and before Bruce could respond, they heard voices from up the hall. The guys, along with a handful of unfamiliar women, ambled into the foyer, ceasing their movement when they saw the gathering at the door.

"B-Bruce, you're back," Richard croaked. Kaldur and Wally looked just as stunned and guilty.

"Oh shit, Bruce Wayne?" Scarlett whispered, but he heard it anyway.

"Don't be alarmed-" he started to say, when the door bell suddenly rang. 

With a confused expression on his face, Bruce turned to open the door. When he did, a beautiful couple stood on his doorstep. They both looked up at him in wonder, and he was sure he was giving them the same expression. They were virtually twins, and yet so utterly opposite.

"Bruce Wayne?" they squeaked in unison, and he knew at that very moment he was in trouble.

Whatever the hell he'd stepped into, it didn't look as if he had any hope of escaping.

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