"Is everything OK?" I asked, frowning, as we shared the big sink of his bathroom to brush our teeth. "You're awfully quiet tonight."

"Yeah, don't worry." He answered me swiftly, but kept his eyes purposefully away from mine, concentrating on filling his toothbrush with paste.

"Yeah, sure, and I'm Santa Claus." I rolled my eyes, putting down my own toothbrush to face him through the mirror. "I know you, Harry. What's up?"

Harry shrugged, shoving the toothbrush in his mouth to avoid answering me. I huffed, mimicking his actions but never leaving my eyes from his face - if he didn't want to tell me for good, I would definitely find a way to find out. I hate to pry into things and usually I'm good at respecting his privacy, but at that moment something was telling me whatever that was bugging him had to do with me.

Once we're done with our nightly hygiene routine, we went to bed, Harry still quiet. I asked again what happened, and he simply told me he was tired, and turned off the lights. For a moment, I decided to simply let it go, even though curiosity was eating me alive - especially because we usually talk a lot before actually turning off the lights and going to sleep, and in that night he simply turned them off and kept quiet.

I was almost drifting off to sleep when his raspy voice echoed in the room. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"To do what, exactly?" I turned to lay on my back, looking up to the dark ceiling.

"Prostate massage." He answered shortly, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, hm... Pandemonium, there was an... Experimentation night, and I was part of it, sometimes" I said with a whisper, not exactly feeling embarrassed, but knowing the subject would probably make him uncomfortable, Harry being the jealous guy he is. "Why?"

"How does that even work? Experimentation nights and... The other stuff you used to do there?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice, but it was laced with equal levels of jealousy and uneasiness.

"Harry, I... Why does it matter?"

"Are you still a member there?"

"Well, I am because I never cancelled my membership, but simply because it has been months I don't even think about Pandemonium. I'll cancel it tomorrow."

"Okay..." His voice trailed off and he stayed quiet again. For a moment, I really thought the subject was over, but then, his voice filled the silence again. "How was it? Going there? What do you use to do?"

I bit my bottom lip, desperately trying to think of a way to dodge his questions. Not because I was ashamed or thought what I did was wrong or something like that, after all I was single when I used to go there, but didn't want to hurt Harry - I know I would be super jealous and sad if it was the other way around, even if it doesn't make sense. Hell, I still have nightmares about Harry with Stephanie fucking on the conference room. But after a couple of silent minutes, I realized it would be better to simply tell him and just hope for the best, his questions were too straightforward for me to give him a half-assed answer and, in the end of the day, I want to be honest with him.

So I told him about the Experimentation Nights and also the nights I simply went there to find a partner for the moment. He was especially curious about ENs and how they work. I did my best to explain how they organized it, a tiny group of people who were previously selected to explore different kinds of giving and receiving stimulation. Usually it had a special thematic - like, squirt, for instance - and we, the members, would watch Pandemonium employees making a demonstration. Members could also volunteer to be touched by others, or to be the one touching.

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