Chapter 7

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2019, September 9th - monday | 5:30 am

Aster's P.O.V:

A few years ago, I read somewhere that it doesn't matter how long, bitter or dark the night was, the dawn always brings new light, new promises. As a person who loves to wake up at dawn, I found it very fitting - every new day is a new chance, to start things over, to try and be better versions of ourselves.

Sitting on my couch at the porch, I sip from my coffee while I watch the colors of the sky change, the deep, dark blue getting clearer with beautiful nuances of orange and pink. I love to watch the beginning of a new day, and it's only during the aurora of the day that I miss smoking - nothing compares to the sensation of a cigarette, coffee and the silence of the morning. But I swore I would stop after I graduate, and that's what I did.

I spent the entire weekend thinking about him. I hate to admit it even for myself, but it's the truth nevertheless. I dreamt about our first kiss - my first kiss - and how much I used to adore him before, when I was younger. And I came to the conclusion that we've probably just gotten off the wrong foot - it's not possible that Harry became such a jerk. I refuse to believe that two people who used to be so close before could grow up to be this hateful towards each other.

Well, hateful it's a strong word. I think Harry and I are more like... Not very found of each other.

I don't know why this happened or how are we supposed to act towards each other, but I promised myself I would at least try to be more patient with him. I owe this to our past, to our childhood together. Also, I need to be in good terms with him - after all, we work together and we're the heirs of S&L... Of course this won't happen so soon, but one day we will need to have a much closer relationship.

He is frustrating, but I'll have to be the bigger person and surpass the awkwardness between the two of us. If not because of our personal relationship, for our careers, that one way or another, will always be intertwined.


I wasn't surprised for finding my office completely empty when I arrived this morning, but I can't deny I felt a little surprised - deep down I was still hoping that the I-Don't-Wake-Up-Before-Noon thing was just a bad taste joke, but seems like Harry was being serious after all.

Looking on the bright side, at least there wasn't any strange, rude salesman that I don't know nothing about either.

I spent the entire morning following up on a few emails I sent last week and haven't got an answer yet, then reviewed a few contracts and asked Dennis and Stephanie - the interns - to make some copies and follow up on our current court cases, and so far I've been productive, maybe even a bit anxious after my third cup of coffee, but other than that, I'm on a great mood today.

Deep down I kinda wish Harry simply doesn't come at all, that way I could at least maintain my good mood for a few more hours.

Around noon, there' was a knock on my door and I was certain it was Mrs. Davis asking my about lunch. I asked her in, thinking about the banana and yellow fruits smoothie I'd brought for lunch today and already bargaining with myself that I totally should eat solid fruits and leave the smoothie for the afternoon snack.

The door opened, but it wasn't Mrs. Davis who shoved her head inside, as she usually does. It was Tim, charming smile and muscular body looking incredibly sexy inside a navy blue suit.

"Hi, Ms. De Loutherbergh" He greeted me in that way he always does, with hidden undertone that always seems to mean something more. "How are you today?"

"Mr. Jones" I smiled, the facade I'm always trying to maintain at work fading completely on his presence "I'm good, very rested. How are you?"

"Well, you know... It's Monday" He shrugged with another killer smile playing on his lips "Still a bit hangover, but I'm working on it."

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