Chapter 32

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I'm about to lose the allusion my heart

Pictures that I thought that could faint

Colours I've just come along getting blurred

Like it ain't never gonna be the same

And I know that I've messed up with the chances I got

All I do is try to make it right
All I do is try to make it right

Guess I'll do this all my life

Nothing ever seems to be easy

All I do is stand in the rain

I don't really know how to get there

Just tell me 'bout the rules of the game

Everybody says that I'm dreaming

But I'm just tryna cope with the pain

Song: The Game, by Milky Chance



2019, October, 7th - monday | 9am

Narrator's P.O.V.:

Aster always loved to wake up at dawn.

She always loved to watch the beginning of a new day, the aurora lights filling up the sky with pastel colors making everything look so dreamy and peaceful. It brought a sense of calmness to her heart, it feed meaning to her starving soul.

But waking up in the warmth of his arms, with his soft kisses on the crook of her neck and his wandering hands all over her body instantly became her new favorite way of awakening.

And the sex, Jesus Christ. Aster was still trying to wrap her mind around how incredibly good it was. She simply couldn't choose what had been better - the rough, hardcore fuck of the night before or the lazy, slow sex of that morning. They both felt perfect in polar opposite ways, first desperate and brutal, then calm and filled with intent. How his words coaxed her through the entire experience, making her heart race even faster than her breath.

It was everything she ever needed and didn't know till that moment.

The decision to leave while he was still asleep was made against her heart, the first rational decision ever since she texted him the night before. If she was to follow her heart, she would still be in bed with him, rolling around and exploring each other's bodies, sharing wet kisses and soft moans, switching between rough and delicate and feeling everything she has denied to herself her entire life.

But she knew she couldn't do that, so instead of following her heart, Aster took a deep breath, placing a last chaste kiss to his pouty lips while he was still sleeping and sliding out of his bed and away from his apartment.

She took a long shower, washing away the evidence from the night before. Well, not everything - Harry did a great job of leaving his mark in every inch of her skin. She wanted to be mad at him for making her look like Tate, but deep down, she was kinda revilishing in the way he claimed her. He made her his, at least while she was still there with him. The hickeys and love bites scattered all over her body was visual reminders of the wild experience they ha together, and she cherished them in a weird way.

However, she obviously couldn't simply wear those marks proudly while at work, and that's why she took extra time doing her makeup and covering the round, dark red marks on her neck and jawline. It was cold outside, so she chose to wear a long sleeved blouse and Burberry scarf to hide most part of her neck. Ever since she started working at S&L, she always wore her head tied up on a high bun - it was part of her signature look, along with the black clothes and red lipstick. However, she decide to wear her hair down that day.

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