Chapter 74

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Oh baby, maybe it's that look in your eyes
They been telling me she wanna leave
She's been dancing with the devil all night
It's like Hell is where she wanna be
She got a smile on her face and a knife in her hand
She don't look too sane when she acts like that
She said "it's hard to relate when you don't understand"

Song: Dancer in the Dark, by Chase Atlantic


2020, February, 19th, Wednesday | 11 am

Harry's P.O.V.:

"What the hell were you thinking?! You're kidding me, right?!" I raise my voice unintendedly, in complete disbelief of what Aster just told me.

"Harry, listen to me!" She debates, her cheeks reddened with adrenaline. "Just listen, OK? You know it makes sense, you know it's the only way of getting the answers we need!"

"You're the one who is not listening, Aster. There's no way we're doing it, you're being unreasonable!" I shake my head, pacing around the living room with the blood boiling in my veins.

Today was supposed to be a good day. I didn't even complain about waking up super early, because we did it so we could go to the hospital, and they finally took off Aster's leg cast and changed her whole arm cast to one from the elbow down, for her broken wrist. The doctor also said her ribs are healing nicely, and she'll probably be completely OK by the end of March.

I didn't even care about the doctor scolding me for taking off my cast by myself, 10 days ago. I mean, he shouldn't even be concerned - even though my hand is still a little sore, it's not so swollen anymore. I can even wear my rings again. That means it's healed, right?

Doctors can be so dramatic sometimes.

After we left the hospital, we came back home, and I was so excited about Aster not having a casted leg anymore. I mean, not to sound like a pig or anything, but it has been so long since we last fucked, I really miss her. Not only the physical connection, though - honestly, I miss the emotional side of it just as much. Even though we kinda made up a week ago, I still don't feel like we're as close as we used to be, it's like there's some kind of disguised tension, some unspoken words lingering in the air between us, something I can't quite address, but it's definitely there.

Aster has been physically present all the time, but not mentally, or emotionally. She's always lost in her own mind, not paying attention to what I say or what's happening around us, and I hate this. I hate this with everything I got, all I want is to be in the same good terms we were before.

I want the trust and connection we had that night at Pandemonium, I want that level of partnership and unconditional love, wholeheartedly, strong and so fucking hardcore. But lately, it feels like it has been slipping away through my fingers, and I so desperately want it back, I would give my life away just to feel close to her again.

But apparently, sex and love are the last thing in Aster's mind, because the moment we stepped in the apartment, she turned her face to me with stern eyes, saying that four words no one likes to hear from their significant others.

We need to talk.

At first, I really thought she just wanted to talk about the logistics of her new cast, or maybe ask me about what I've been doing when I'm not around, if I've got any other information about Madeline, if I've talked to her father, or if I've found EJ yet. Honestly, I would be willing to talk about any one of these subjects, but nothing could prepare me for the words that followed her statement.

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