Chapter 37

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Ask me how I'm doing today
Bet I'll say I'm okay
But I'm rotting away inside
Don't worry 'bout it though
Both of us are, you know?
Funny, that's how it goes in life
I'm not tryna be dark
But I just got to the part
Where you stare at the stars
And compare what you are
To everything all around
Wonder what it'd be like
If it all came crashing down

Song: Blame, by Jesse


TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic violence and detailed sensations of anxiety.

If you are usually triggered with graphic descriptions of violence and torture, you might want to read the 11 first paragraphs of this chapter and skip to the second part after the *** sign.

If you suffer with anxiety this chapter may contain triggers after the *** sign. If you think you can be triggered, you might want to skip the next 13 paragraphs after the sign. From 14 on you're good to go.

If you want to skip the entire chapter, I'll keep an A/N at the end of this chapter with a overview of what happened so you won't get lost if you feel like skipping this chapter will be the best for you.


2019, October, 13th - sunday | 2am

Harry's P.O.V.:

There's not much things in life that would make me leave Aster behind in a moment like this. I would never leave her alone if it wasn't something this big.

We're talking life or death big.

And even though it's this important, part of me still wants to say 'fuck it all' and just run back to her. I hate how sad she looked, I hate how crashed she is. I've just unloaded a shit ton of the most fucked up situation she could've possibly imagine and can't even be there to hold her and make her believe everything is going to be OK.

Although, it would be a fucking lie - I have no idea things will ever be OK. As long as Phillip De Loutherbergh holds the power he does, things will never be OK.

There's about nothing he wouldn't do to take what he wants. Which is bloody everything. The guy is the most obsessive, psycho and greedy motherfucker I've ever met in my life. It's almost unbelievable how a twat like him can have raised such a sweet daughter.

Now I get why she pissed me so much when we met again after almost 10 years without seeing each other - I wasn't expecting to see so much of him in her. It made me sick to my stomach to imagine he had brainwashed her to the same corporate robot, career driven, mercenary ravenous he is. When I saw the black clothes, the obsessive workaholic behavior, it made me fucking crazy, to see my Bunny acting like that.

I know I was crude with her more times than I'm proud to admit. I was just so disappointed to see her so different from the Aster from my memories. She used to be so sweet, delicate and funny. She was easy going, a calm shelter in the middle of the storm, she was a beacon of life in the dark and seeing her all dressed in black, acting like a bitch for no reason and seemingly uptight was like a punch to my stomach.

But it didn't take long before she started to slowly show me her true colors under the mechanical attitudes. Showing up at that sex club and making me literally crawl for her. Slapping me when I purposefully pushed her buttons to see if she would break, to draw a reaction from her. How she broke down at her father's girlfriend birthday party, how mercilessly she taught me a lesson when I called her easy in an outburst of jealousy, how fun it was to travel with her and watch her with her guards down for the first time.

Aurora [H.S AU]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ