Chapter 22

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I am tired of this place, I hope people change

I need time to replace what I gave away

And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small

Though I try to resist I still want it all

Song: FOOLS - Troye Silvan


Aster's PO.V.:

I've lost track of how long I am here, quietly sobbing, my head pillowed on Harry's lap.

Feels like too much time.

Feels like not enough.

The way his fingers are threaded in my hair, his fingertips softly brushing on my scalp, makes me feel way more comfortable than I've ever thought it was possible in this room.

"Feeling better?" Harry asks quietly, dragging his fingers from my hair to my face, so softly his touch feels feathery, so different from the usual rough grip I get from him.

I close my eyes, concentrating on the sensation of his fingers over my skin for a moment before I take a deep breath and slowly get off of his lap, sitting back on the bed.

"Yes." My voice is hoarse, an uncomfortable feeling in my throat still. Exhaling slowly, I almost apologize, the words getting to the tip of my tongue, but I swallow them back. I hate that I've caused a scene, but I don't feel like it is my fault, this was just my reaction to what happened, to his actions. He could've denied the trip to Washington, after all. "How did you know where to find me?" I ask him instead, truly curious about his answer.

"I know you, Honeycup." Harry answers simply.

"You don't know me." I shake my head. "There's so many things about me you don—"

"I may not know the adult version of you." Harry cuts me. "But I've known you my entire life. I know you, regardless of how your life experiences has shaped you, I know your essence." He hesitates before adding. "And you know me."

"As if!" I scoff, rolling my eyes, but losing a little of my attitude effect by sniffing loudly. "I know nothing about you, Harry."

If I didn't know better, I could swear Harry just threw me a saddened look. But I do know better, there's no way he can actually be hurt by my statement - he is probably just playing around like he always do, ready to find another weak spot to take advantage of.

"You know everything that matters." He mumbles under his breath, raising his hand to gently brush a hair strand from my face and tuck it behind my ear. "Just like I know what matters about you. Like the fact that you hate olives and is allergic to pears. Or that you are afraid of ladybugs, but is completely OK with cockroaches, which makes no sense, by the way." He chuckles. "Or that you will always seek for solace in things that are familiar to you. And that you would run to your sister's arms even when you know she is not around to hug you back."

I'm completely taken aback, where did that come from? Harry is always so condescending with me, when I saw him entering this room I was sure he came here only to taunt me, instead he is comforting me with his words and actions. Tears prickles my eyes and I sniff again, my sinuses getting heavier.

"I see so much of her in you." He goes on, a soft grin dancing on his lips, so different from his usual sarcastic smirk but equally as tempting. "You're strong and determinate, yet so delicate. You are fierce, Aster, and I'm sure Maddie is so proud of you, you've accomplished so much..."

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