Chapter 9

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Kiss me in the d-a-r-k dark tonight

(D-a-r-k, do it my way)

Kiss me in the p-a-r-k park tonight
(P-a-r-k, let them all say)

song: lolita - lana del rey

2019, September 10h - tuesday | 4:14am

Harry's P.O.V:

Fuck, I'm an idiot.

I started regretting what I was saying in the moment the words started rolling out of my tongue and falling from my mouth, but it was too late for me to stop. I was so desperate to take her attention off of Abel and Rickie and what we were doing before she arrived, I just kept talking and talking even though I knew I was going too far.

I don't even want to think about what could've happen if Aster arrived 15 minutes earlier. She would probably see too much for me to find a way of talking her out of it, and I would be so fucking screwed. Not because of her childish threat to tell my father - shit, I would love if she did it, just to see how my dad and hers would bust their arses to cover me up and find a good enough excuse that would convince Aster I'm doing nothing wrong.

Well, technically I am, but I have S&L to cover me up whenever I need. Plus, our parents has been doing it for long before either of us were born.

And that's exactly why I don't want to have any bad blood with Phillip De Loutherbergh. He may play his part as the model citizen wonderfully, but he does not fool me. He is the responsible for me being where I am and doing what I do, but deep down I know he would get rid of me in the moment his precious little Aster discovered something because of me.

He is very protective of her, which doesn't surprises me, considering what happened with his other daughter all those years ago.

It's been almost 5 minutes that I'm standing in front of Aster's desk, watching her type faster than I judged to be humanly possible, her gorgeous face scrunched up on a barely disguised grimace of pain, and even though I know I was the one to cause such feeling, I have no idea of how to make up for it.

Don't get me wrong - I haven't said anything that I don't actually believe in. I do think Aster is kinda pathetic with this strict life she lives, focusing only on work. She never actually told me this, but I would have to be fucking daft to not realise that. She is nothing like the Aster I remember from my childhood, the beautiful girl that had stolen my heart so many years ago. When Phillip and my father first asked me to come to New York and help them expand the business, I was beyond excited to see her again - albeit the invitation came with a sweet thread from Phillip to not get too friendly with Aster. But I was excited nevertheless, especially after coming here so many times, during the past 10 years, and not being able to reach her. Once again, thanks to her father.

However, he asked me to be here and he knows it's impossible to keep us apart completely. But I think Phillip would be glad to know how much of a bummer it was for me to met her again. She grow up and turned to the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my entire life, those deep blue eyes capable of making me swim in an ocean of sweet memories, but besides mesmerizingly beautiful, she is also uptight as fuck. She became bratty, nosy, arrogant and honestly, a hypocrite. She was always a bit introvert, that's true, but now looks like she became some kind of work-driven hermit.

That's why I like so much to tease her and try to get her to her edge, just to see if I can break this high walls she built around herself and see the old Aster again. I want to make her crazy, and it's funny to watch how much startled she gets by my provocations.

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