Chapter 29

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I know you're acting too
Got so many things you want to do, do right now
Love your lack of self control
Maybe I could latch onto your soul, oh yeah
I don't think there's time, time enough for us
And I won't know you're mine til you're down to dust

song: something to lose, by landon tewers


2019, October, 6th - sunday | 7pm

Aster's P.O.V.:

"Spit it out, Aster."

"I have nothing to spill out, Calvin, I've already told you everything." I roll my eyes to my iPad screen and Calvin throws me a dirty look thought the camera.

I've arrived from Washington this afternoon, right after lunch. I did everything I could to distract myself - unpacked my bag, went for a long walk with Tate, played with Brie, cooked myself a nice dinner, called Calvin to catch up with his latest life events, but somehow the conversation focus turned to me, which wasn't at all the intention for my call.

I was trying to distract myself from what happened in Washington, not to talk about it.

So I just gave Calvin a quick summary of PTS events, of course letting everything that went down with Harry aside. Honestly, I don't know exactly why I simply can't tell him about it - usually I would be dying to share with my best friend the crazy on and off thing I have going with Harry, but somehow, I just can't.

I feel like this is my dirty little secret that no one else, besides me and Harry, should know about.

"Aster De Loutherbergh." Calvin's mechanic voice shouts from the iPad speaker. "You're spacing out again. Spill the tea, sis, something is happening. Is Harry, isn't it?"

"What about Harry?" I raise my eyebrows nonchalantly, trying to look and sound innocent, even though my heart started to race just by the mention of his name.

"He was there with you, wasn't him?"


"How come you spent like 5 days together and didn't murder each other?" Calvin raises his eyebrows, trying to sound serious but I know him well enough to know he is trying to disguise a taunting smile. "Last time I checked you two couldn't stand each other."

"Still can't stand him." I roll my eyes to give more emphasis. "But he behaved during the trip, was actually almost nice to be around."

"Really?" Calvin smiles, but his eyes are devilish. "Tell me more about it... Are you starting to like him again?"

"Of course not." I debate instantly and honestly, I'm not even lying. It doesn't matter that Harry was... Way better than just nice during our trip to Washington, and yeah, I did end up tied up to a bed, soaking wet and almost crying of need, but that doesn't change the way I feel about him.

It just means hate might be a very powerful aphrodisiac.

"Come on, A. You two used to be like, super close when you were younger... He was your first real crush. Aren't to even a little afraid of falling for him again? After all, you will have to be around each other till you're old and cranky, being future partners and everything."

"He is everything I've always despised - arrogant, irritant, reckless, dangerous, and above it all, a liar. I hate to have him around, he is the most frustrating person I've ever met in my life. So no, I'm not afraid of falling in love with him - I'm actually afraid that if I'm forced to be around him for much longer, I'll end up doing something I'll definitely regret." By the time I stop talking, I'm panting slightly from the lack of oxygen. I get so angry just thinking about him I forget to breath.

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