"I am going to order dinner." Ellie spoke suddenly which made him jump a little. Chris looked back. "What do you want to have?" She asked him. Her tone was gruff, lacking the usual tenderness and it made his heart skip a beat.

"You don't need to order anything." He told her. "I'll have a sandwich or something later." With that, he turned his back on her again and leaned with his elbows on the rail. A cloud of smoke surrounded him as he blew it away.

Ellie leaned against the frame of the window and wrapped her arms around her chest. It was cold and he was just in his sweater and barefoot outside.

"It's cold out here." She told him. "You should not stay here long."

Chris turned around to look at her again. "Babe... come here..." He asked her sweetly.

"You're smoking." She said, but that was not even the main reason. She knew he was going to sweet talk her and she was too mad to let him do so.

Chris put the butt of his cigarette on the ashtray they had on the table outside and then approached her, standing right in front of her. Ellie didn't move, she remained in the same position and they looked in each other's eyes.

"Can we stop this?" He asked her. "Fighting because of Susan is just ridiculous."

"How would you feel if a guy I had sex with was always around?" Ellie asked him. "Would you like that? Because if you slept with her there was a moment in your life where you felt attracted to her. Am I wrong?"

"I can recall that one time when we met your ex and he talked to you for about an hour and you were all smiley with him." Chris said. "Remember that? Do you think I liked that? And he was not even a one-time thing. He was your fucking ex. You had a relationship with him. And I fucking swallowed my pride and said to myself that you loved me and not him."

"It's not the same thing." Ellie frowned. "You cannot even compare the two situations."

"Of course not!" Chris waved his arms in the air losing his patience again. "He is your fucking ex and Susan is nothing. This is what makes it different!" He said a bit more aggressively.

"What I mean is that Dan is not into me!" Ellie raised her tone again. "We saw each other, he had another girlfriend. We were already married..."

"Yeah... but you were with him when we met." Chris reminded her. "And I was not seeing anyone."

"You are trying to divert the subject." Ellie turned her back at him and went back inside.

Chris followed her though and closed the window, for it was too cold outside and the window opened was letting all the cold air inside the bedroom. When she was about to leave the bedroom, he caught her hand.

"Don't run away!" He exclaimed. "We are talking."

"We are fighting!" Ellie said. "And you are bringing weak examples to excuse her!"

"This has nothing to do with her!" Chris yelled. "Fuck, Ellie!" He cupped her face between his hands and rested his forehead against hers feeling frustrated and showing her so. "I don't get it... I really don't..."

Ellie felt her eyes fill with tears and her lips trembled. A gulp escaped her throat and Chris pulled back to look in her eyes.

"Babe..." He told her, seeing she was about to cry.

"She is all perky." Ellie told him with shaking voice. "Looking toned and shit..."

Chris curled an eyebrow. "What?" He asked confused with the sudden change. "What are you talking about?"

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