He's NOT Dead... Is He?

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Flaming's POV

He stared at you blankly and cocked his head to the side, "What's over?"
You were about to respond when, without warning, he started to spark up. His tail poofed out, his hat nearly toppled over, and his whole body seemed to be generating this electricity.
"You okay?" The worry in your voice scared you a little bit.
"What's happening to him!?" Bonnie shouted from behind rushing over to the scene.
His expression was one of pure confusion, "Well this is quite shocking."
What the fuck Ryan? Now is not the time for jokes!
You cracked a smile. Okay, okay that was pretty....punny.
Bonnie saw no such amusement from the blue cat and quickly touched him, trying to remove his scarf.
It was too late that he realized this wasn't a good idea.
The purple bunny was thrown backwards, landing against the cold hard floor with a thump.
Ryan looked terrified. The sparks died out and he stood for a second before collapsing.
You ran to him.
(A/N *le awesome singing voice* I've been settling scores. I've been fighting so long. If you don't know what song that is don't even talk to me. )
The electricity subsided giving you the freedom to touch him.
His eyes were closed and his breathing became unsteady giving him the appearance of being dead.
Unless he actually WAS dead.
Nope nope nope.
He wasn't dead.
You rolled him over and he made a small, yet audible, noise.
Shuffling behind you told you that Foxy had found his way over to the scene and Chica had scrambled over to go help Bonnie.
"Ryan." You whispered, "I don't know watt I'd do without you."
Foxy said nothing and continued to just stare at the two of you.
You kept shaking Ryan, but the poor fellow never woke up.
After a while Foxy spoke up, "We should probably go."
"Not just yet" you voice cracked and you didn't mean to get emotional but somehow it happened, "Give me more time."
Foxy shook his head sadly, "Alright, but I'm leaving."
You nodded with a stray tear coming down, looking around to me sure the animatronics left.
Staring down at Ryan's helpless figure made you realize how stupid you had been to even consider leaving him here. You couldn't bare not having him around.
You ruffled his fur gently, whispering for him to wake up.
He never did.
You stared down and slowly yet your heart out, tears flowing down your face, while you sobbed.
You remembered how he kissed you earlier and it all came back to you.
All the times you fought, all the times you laughed together, that one time you both shared his scarf, and all the times you were just...just together, enjoying life and being shitty little cats together.
You leaned down close enough to see the differences of the blue colors in his fur and the little hairs swaying in the air conditioning.
Then you kissed him, dismissing all the thoughts of necrophilia and the fact that you could possibly die in a split second from an animatronic ambush.
You heard him mumble something and quickly opened your eyes.
Was it your imagination or did he actually say something?
He made the sound again.
Nope not your imagination.
You quickly pulled away straightening yourself and you were absolutely positive your brown fur was as red as a tomato.
The blue cat stirred and slowly opened his eyes stretching his paws out.
You felt a wave of relief rush over you and you felt like doing laps around the building to express your gratitude for Ryan being alive.
His face looked paler than usual and he spoke in a hushed raspy tone, "Why are you crying?"
Really? That's what he asks? He was like on the verge of dying and he asks why you're crying?
"You were almost dead. You replied looking down at the floor not wanting to meet his eyes.
A smirk spread across his face. Not the sly one from before but a warmer friendlier smirk that you knew meant Ryan was officially back.
"Well it's good I wasn't or I wouldn't have experienced that kiss you gave me."
You felt yourself grow even redder but started laughing, "Wattever."
He laughed at your pun and for the first time in hours you actually felt happy again.

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