You Come And Take Me!

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I stood there for a moment, annoyed. Ryan started to trot away, his face still having that damn grin on his face. That's it, I thought in my own weirdo mind.

Without even thinking or warning, I grabbed Ryan's scarf and turned him around to face me. "What the hell is wrong with you? You are a normal cat like everybody else! When did you become like him?" I yelled in his face.

His eyes showed concern for no longer than a cats heart beat before turning into the darker magics.
"Get off me!

Please just go away!

I don't wanna be your friend!

I don't wanna have a connection with you!

I don't wanna be your fucking partner,

I. Don't. Fucking. Like. You!"

I stood there, half in amazement and half in shock. My body was itching to just tackle him and try getting him to become more like Ryan again, but the other side, just stayed.

"You scaredy cat!" He said, shoving me to the ground. I slowly began to get up from the cold floor, searching for a way out of this.

I looked up at the wires,

I looked at the door to the closet, Maybe.

I looked down the hall to the rest of the corridor,

I jumped up briskly and sprinted down the hall with Ryan at my heels. If I were a night guard, where would I hide? I thought in my mind, not noticing that the rest of the animatronics were cheering for me.

Where is the one freaking place the night gaurds is supposed to do, yet never does, when he wants to get away? I skidded to a halt in front of my second option to hide, the supplies room. I locked the door swiftly enough before Ryan came to yell at me from the other side of the damn door.

"I served mah nickel! You come and get me out of this room!" I hissed at him from inside the room, followed by Ryan desperately scratching at the door, trying to break it open.

Then, it stopped. All was quiet. All was calm. I heard Ryan yelling at someone, most likely an animatronic, to open the door for him. Creeeeeeeeak!

"No," I said out loud with disbelief. "He couldn't have." A purple hand punched through the door as I spoke. "Oh yes he would!" Ryan taunted back at me. I took a running start and jumped as high as I could, and latched onto the ceiling.

"You take me out of this damn closet!" I yelled not moving. "Get down, you freaking flare! I won't ask you again!" And, he wouldn't need to, because I'm using the old vent fun house trick on them both.

If this doesn't work I'm dead.


I'll most likely die in this closet.



I leaped across the room with great velocity and landed safely inside the vents. "I came, I saw, I kicked your ass!" I yelled down, as I crawled and explored the rest of the steel catacombs that were atop the pizzeria.

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