Fight Me!

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Ryan's POV

It had to have fire in my blood to have done what I just did. Cool it, Ryan, I told myself. As I trotted through the doorway, not checking to see if Flaming had followed me or not, I was greeted by a big and fluffy bird, picking me up and tossing me around, animatronic to animatronic.
"Hey! Chica! Put me down! Why does everybody think I'm hackey sack today!" I screeched, currently flying through the air once more, my head being greeted by fluff. My head, now pounding, felt cold and unprotected.
Instantly shooting up from my position on the kitchen floor, I searched frantically for my velvet head protector. "What's the matter, Ryan?" Chica asked, concern clearly detectable in her voice. "Gee, nobody cares for me I see?" A now sour voice stated, shadowing over us all, caused by lighting. I glanced up at the brown cat towering over me. "You've gotten taller in a few minutes haven't you, Flaming?" I told her with sarcasm, clearly indicating I knew she was standing on a stool.
Her ears flattened in an emotion that was complicated to determine as she climbed off the stool. "Did you lose something?" The Flaming-Tails cat asked me with an edge in her voice. My eyes furrowed with frustration as I tackled Flaming to the ground. Her paw was out stretched, my hat thrown to Foxy. "Give it," I said to the rusted red robot. He shook his head in response, saying, "You have to fight for it!"
My fur stood on its end. Fight the Great Captain Foxy? He winked, but not at me, instead at Flaming. My ears pricked up at a sudden sigh of relief that had escaped her muzzle.
I shook it off at stared Foxy in his deep amber eyes, similar to mine, as I dared myself. "You've got it buddy!"

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