Yellow Bear?

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I woke up, pain aching throughout my whole body. Expecting to be in my security office, I got up, painfully. Instead of seeing an angry Freddy and a frightened Flaming, I saw what seemed like Hell's Kitchen. Blood Splatters on the wall, everything all disordered, but something caught my eye in particular.

'ITS ME' was smeared on on the wall with crimson. My blue fur was fluffed up with terror. I searched frantically for , failing miserably. "How the hell to you get in here without a freaking door?" I asked the blood-stained walls, pounding on them.

A deep, dark, laughter began, followed by music from behind.

I froze in my tracks, not daring to move a muscle.

"Why, if it isn't Ryan? I've never had visitors before." I turned around, seeing his devilish grin, with red ooze dripping from his broad teeth and empty black eyes.

"Y-yellow b-bear?" I stuttered mindlessly. I knew his name, but my brain likes to make me look stupid at the worst of times. "D-don't kill me!" I screamed, covering my eyes.

"I'm not the bad guy," the golden bear told me in a harsh voice. "W-where am I?" I asked in a frightened voice.

"What are you talking about? " a confused voice asked me. I uncovered my eyes to see Flaming standing in front of me, along with all of the animatronics, but Golden Freddy nowhere in sight.

"What's up with ye eye, matey? " the voice was Foxy's. Something snapped inside me, causing a low growl to escape my throat. I grabbed his hook with my paw, and picked him up with in-cat strength, and tossed him down the right hallway with ease. I heard metal hit the wall as I walked away, satisfaction beaming on my face.

Your turn Meulin_Leijon413

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