Don't Worry My Sweet Candle

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Flaming's POV
You stood open mouthed as Ryan hurtled Foxy across the room. You knew for a fact he wasn't that strong, something was definitely wrong.
Ignoring the angry muttering and the confused moans coming from the animatronics you trotted over to Ryan tapping his shoulder slightly.
"That was incredible." Was all you could say.
He smirked mischievously, "It's what I do, Flaming."
His eyes glinted with malice and you couldn't help but worry, "Yes but how?"
"I'm naturally amazing."
You pondered this, he usually didn't act so....dickish. He wasn't himself and his eyes showed that.
You stared closely into them, noticing how hollow they were. Pure blackness rimmed with a very thin line of white. He showed no emotion, no fear, not a trance of humanity, and not a sign he was actually with you.
"What's wrong Ryan?"
He looked at you incredulously, "Nothing's wrong" he stepped closer to you, "Don't worry my sweet candle"
Did he just call you his candle? Something was up. And it wasn't the ceiling.
"Seriously." Your voice cracked "I'm worried"
He stepped an inch away from you, your noses almost touching and you backed away unsure of what was happening.
You backed up with him coming towards you until you smushed into the wall, slightly bending your tail. You winced and shut one eye.
Ryan's black eyes twinkled and he leaned in, "I'm fine Flaming"
His breath was unusually cool on your neck and you stuttered the only words that may bright back the Ryan you knew, "Backwards NUR?"
He backed away with fear spreading across his face, his eyes returning to their original color, "NUR NUR NUR."
He shouted over and over again chasing his tail and you realized that he'd finally gotten aboard the loony bus. What was happening to him?
He sat down, his eyes becoming hollow and soulless once more and he ran towards you then stopped, wincing as if every move pained him.
Nothing could prepare you for what he did next.
He leaned in till you were nose to nose and went the extra mile. He kissed you as if he didn't just shout "NUR" over and over again. He kissed you as if nothing was wrong. He kissed you as if you weren't in a slaughterhouse with demonic robots ready to kill you at a moments notice. But he did shout "NUR" over and over again, and you were in a slaughterhouse. You couldn't let this continue and you gently pushed him away.
He grunted, his soulless expression coming back into play.
He winced and cocked his head to the left, "Please Flaming..." He sounded as if he would cry "NUR"
You didn't hesitate. You darted past him as a bolt of lightning hurtled over your head and stopped when you returned to the office. You slammed your paw on the buttons, closing the doors, not caring about power.
You didn't bother to turn the office lights on, for the darkness shielded you from the dangers outside.
You sulked towards a corner of the office farthest from the doors and slid your back against the wall.
What has your life become?
You didn't care anymore.
You sobbed like you never knew happiness and prayed for an escape from this nightmare and a way to save Ryan.
The answer never came, only the sounds of footsteps drew nearer and reluctantly you stood up crawling on the desk and on a stack of books, quietly detaching the air vent from it's place.
The door slammed open with such force the whole office shook.
You scrambled into the vent and quickly closed the door as you heard shuffling below you.
"Where are ye? Ya little...." Foxy started, but you crawled through the vent hissing at a few mice who got in your way.
You didn't know when everything got so messed up.
You sat overlooking a vent that revealed the kitchen and sobbed some more, not caring who heard.
You sat there and sobbed your pathetic little heart out for what seemed like hours searching, in your head, for a way to fix things.
The answer, you concluded, sure as hell wasn't nur.

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