That Scared Yet Cute Kitten

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Ryan's POV

As the slowest cat on earth, enjoying the scenery, and other crap, I could've sworn I heard mumbling coming from behind me. Swiftly as the thought came to me, I was lifted in the air and traveled through the halls, like the speed of light itself.
"Gah! What the Hell is going on?!" I shrieked, suddenly being tossed to the ground, hitting my head pretty badly. "God dammit! That hurts you know?" I glanced up to see Flaming, Foxy, and, Bonnie?
"Hey there pal! It's your best bunny buddy Bonnie here at your service, sir Ryan!" He said, saluting. "The least you could've done was place me down instead of throwing me!" The purple bunny looked apologetic as he helped me up.
"So, now what? That was the longest race in the world! Thanks Ryan!" Flaming yelled at me, harsh yet playfully. Instead of answering, my mouth just hung open, as if words were supposed to come out, but instead, air came out.
'Why does this always happen? My luck today just likes to make me look stupid doesn't it?' I thought, not noticing I made a furious face, which makes me look like an idiot.
I only realized this as Flaming giggled and hid her face inside her cuffed, fluffy paws. "Nope!" I heard her yell, as she shook her head, causing her glasses to fall on the ground.
The brown feline jolted up, from her giggling and goofy state of being, to a frightened kitten in an instant. Her fur fluffed up as she dared to try moving. "Don't do it, Flaming!" I shouted, causing her to flinch.
"I swear, Ryan! When I find my glasses I will pound you!" She growled in a furious tone of manner. "I'm serious." I explained picking up her glasses, cleaning all the dirt of of them. "You need to clean these more often, Flaming."
She looked up at me, her face flushed, and her eyes were filled with joy as I handed her the glasses.

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