Prove Yourself Flaming!

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Flaming's POV

The little spot in the vent soon became your home. Not literally, of course.
But if they say "Home is where the heart is" then this WAS home.
You let your heart out here, your deepest secrets and desires being spilled along with a shower of tears that slowly trickled down your face and onto the vent with a Plip!
The mice no longer bothered you, they would come and go as they pleased apparently unaware of their location.
"It's time to leave, my darling candle" , a voice in your head chimed in a melodic tone.
You sniffled, "I don't want to."
You remembered how Ryan called you his candle. Although you weren't all sure that was Ryan and then didn't want to think about it.
"But you must." The voice commanded,"Do you wish to die here in the vents?"
You thought about this, and the idea didn't seem to bad at the moment.
"Don't be a coward my candle."
You hissed, "Stop calling me your candle."
You thought about how silly this sounded, considering there was no voice, only the sound of you and your thoughts.
A part of you was being an ass, you concluded.
"Look out the vent." the voice (you?) said.
You did as told and silently crawled toward the opening in the air shaft.
The sight that meet your eyes shocked you and bumped your head on the top of the vent.
"Now do you wish to stay here?" the voice asked with a hint of malice.
A shiver went down your spine, "N-No..."
You heard laughing coming from the voice, "Prove yourself a hero, candle." it (you?!) chuckled, "Then maybe I'll call you Flaming."

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