"Careful Bianca, I heard coffee makes your teeth piss-yellow and I'm sure the next man you trap into dating you won't appreciate it... Unless you are into that stuff." said blue sarcastically earning a dirty look from Bianca.

"It's too fuckin' early to hear your annoying voice King, keep your mouth shut before I shut it for you," Bianca warns.

Bluebell dislikes her aunt with a burning passion but she can pack a punch but then again that had never stopped her before. Before she could answer, there was a loud crash behind her, she turns to see Olivia's waffles on the floor.

"What did you put in those ?" asked the brunette, her face scrunched in disgust.

"The normal bloody syrup?" said Blue frowning.

"Well, it tastes disgusting, pick it up and make me another one," demand Olivia with an evil smirk on her lips.

Bluebell greeted her teeth in anger and didn't make a move to pick them up until her aunt hit the back of her head.

"Did she stutter? Pick it up and make another one."

The girl, despite herself, did as told. She hated living there. She used to tolerate it when her sister still lived with them but the minute Amelia turn 17 Bianca kicked her out of the house and don't let her see Bluebell.

The only thing that keeps her going was that Amelia left with the promise to come back for her.

Although as the years go by she feels her hope crumble. She hasn't heard from her sister in 4 years and she misses her terribly.

She had faint memories of Amelia telling her stories about his magical place and telling her many stories about it and their mother. Stories she can't remember now but she used to love them.

Faint memories are the only thing she has to remember her sister all because Olivia once thought it would be funny to start a fire in the middle of the living room with her things. Bluebell was devastated, more so about her belongings than the house catching fire.


Outside the house, the cool air of the morning was hitting her face as the three girls walk towards the Dursley's whose house was 3 houses down theirs.

After the fire, they moved to the suburbs when Blue was about seven, they used to live in the northwest of England more specifically Manchester, where Bluebell and the Scott's had slightly picked up an accent. But since they moved Bianca is trying to correct it for the sake of her social status and unfortunately, it did seem to be working if it wasn't she wouldn't have to be dragged to the Dursley's.

Bluebell didn't like the Dursley's, they were always on their high horse, just like Scott's try to be. They look down at her like dirt. Maybe that's why they get along.

The Bluebell hate club, where the vision is not only hated on Bluebell King but to bring people together. Wonderful.

"I can't wait to the zoo. I'm really lookin' forward to it." Said Olivia.

"I supposed it should be nice." Said Bianca nonchalantly, inhaling the last of the cigarette before putting it out.

"Home sweet home, aye?" Bluebell smirks as they arrived at the Dursley's, but that smirk was soon wiped out of her face when Bianca grabbed the back of her hair harshly.

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