What is you statement on this awkward scenario sir?

Alya looked at a baffaled Manik who knew this wasnt supposed to happen but gladly they were saved by Joe who came with a ton of security guards who swept them through the crowd and to their cars.

Alya covered her face while the paparazi ran after their car until it swept away.


On a remorse end of the studi stood a car of victory. nandini looked at Zeke with a victorious smile until Joe walked upto them.

"Was that enough?" Joe asked them.

"More than enough." Nandini glemaed in pride.

"Thanks buddy for this help. We owe you alot.: Zeke shaked hands with Joe.

"Don't thank me bud. You've helped me and my company in the worst of times. Just a payback from our side." Joe waved them off and Zeke turned his eyes back to the winning coach.

"What say now? Ready for your act?" He raised his brows at her.

"Waiting so long for this so ofcourse i am. This is what i was talking about. Did you see their faces." Nandini exclaimed in excitement.

"I can see that on your face but damn was Alya scared." Zeke laughed.

"And the look on Manik's face, like a kid caught with candy. Damn i can live this day over and over again for that look." Nandini smiled in triump.

"But you still have some work left my girl. So ready to zoom off for your act." Zeke gave a look to his partner in crime and zoomed off to the final destination.


Manik and Alya reached her apartment and Manik smashed her keys on the floor scaring the shit out of her.

"How did this even happen?" Manik roared in anger.

"I made sure that nobody saw that. Nobody should have known about me. How?" Manik looked at Alya who was not less that a scared cat right now.

"I have no clue trust me. I specially asked Joe for no papparazi so that you wont find out but i think the company did that." Alya replied being scared of the monster ahead her.

"If you said no then how the fuck did this happen. Do you have any idea what your freaking dream has done to my life now. How am i supposed to face my family. How am i suppoed to face Nandini?" Manik shouted his lungs out.

"Manik i-" Alya tried to talk it out but Manik beat her to that too.

"Don't. Your stupid actions have done enough for us . Now you are going to just sit here. I am gonna call the maid for you and you are not to get out of this house. Until i make this right." Manik picked his cell phone and walked out.

Alya looked over at her phone blaring with thier newses and posts and she knew that this was just the beginning of the end of her imagined life.


Manik reached back home and took a few minutes for himself at the door because behind that door stood a war for him.

Walking over that threshold he came face to face with a bunch of questioning eyes who had their entire focus on the news presenting infront of them on the televisison until Neyonika spotted him.

He father turned to look at him. Just one look and he knew that his father wanted answers. Mr. Malhotra walked upto him and with all his courage Manik was ready to explain it out.

"Dad i know how it looks but i-" 

Before he could verdict him out, a rough hand hit right on his cheek making him stuble back and look down. Mr Malhotra towered over him in anger after he slapped his son right infront of the other audience.

Manik moved his eyes up from the ground when his pair of orbs locked with a certain someone who mattered to him at this time more than anyone else in this room.

There sat Nandini with Neyonika on the sofa looking at him with puffy and moistened eyes.


To say that i was overwhelmed with the response on the previous chapter would be an understatement. I am so grateul that you guys loved it so much and were so engaging.

There are a few things that i want to address since the last chapter.

1. This is the 21th century and it is normal to have a physical relationship with someone if you both are dating.

2. As mentioned in this chapter, Manik and Alya had this physical relationship before the wedding events even started or say Manik and Nandini were hitched.

Some other revelations will be done in the upcoming chapters so you can gear up for some more fun. 


I do have a small favour to ask from you guys. Can you please go and review my stories on Inkitt.

The link is in my bio and also down here:


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