If this love is pain, well darling, let's hurt tonight

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"Are you sure?" Erik asked Mika, his world turning upside down. He never thought he'd feel what was coming through their bond: Care, tenderness, and- Is that love? He couldn't believe it. It was a warmth, an excitement, that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with him. The sheer strength of it was beyond anything she'd ever shown him before, anything he'd ever felt from anyone before.

"I'm sure." Those big green eyes looked up at him, a little nervous, a little stubborn. It was so reminiscent of the young girl he'd kissed in the mansion's foyer so long ago, daring him to prove incubi exist.


"Uzaeris, don't question me." The look Mika gave him silenced him as much as the gentle command. It was that soft look, the tender look that saw through his masks and sent his heart into his throat. She took a step back and tugged him with her, leading him from the gazebo towards the house.

It felt surreal, how she held his hand and looked back at him. Walk with me, Uzaeris. She was the Mika of his forest path, the Mika of his dreams, the Mika who comforted, and loved, and drove him mad as she fed his desires and quietly shared her own. It isn't much longer, now.

I must be dreaming. "I-" he swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry as he fully realized what her decision meant. He quickly pushed the thoughts away, refusing to think it.

"No!" The shout startled them. The kitchen door flew open with a bang, Damien rushing out. "No, you can't!"

Matthew followed close behind him, James at a slower pace. The two looked confused, alerted by Damien's cry as he ran through the mansion, pausing as they saw Mika and Erik holding hands.

"Back off!" A blur coalesced between the two groups as Sam intercepted Damien, blocking him from reaching Erik and Mika.

"What's wrong?" Matthew looked between the two of them, seeing Erik go deathly pale.

"She's going to become a demon," Damien announced, watching Mika flush.

"Is that true, Miss?" James couldn't believe it.

"But I thought-" Matthew stammered, then quickly closed his mouth, looking back at Damien.

"She doesn't mean it. She doesn't really want it!" Damien tried to push past, forcing Sam to wrestle with him.

Erik faltered and Mika squeezed his hand tighter. "I do mean it," she quietly answered them all.

"Izroul, this isn't your choice." Sam got a hold of his brother's wrist and twisted Damien's arm behind his back, catching him in a lock. Sam's voice was rough, his gaze meeting Mika's with concern but also support.

"Hold him, Sam." She instructed, giving him a small nod of thanks. "Erik, shield Damien, please." It was a sad request.

Regretfully, the Lord of Lilith stepped forward.

"No! No, don't block me out," Damien struggled in Sam's hold. "Don't do this. Please, don't let her do this!" He begged his brothers.

"Shit," Sam swore and tried to get a better hold on him. "Stand still!"

"Damien, let Erik cast the spell." Matthew moved in to help Sam. "You know it's for the best." He knew how deep Damien's jealousy could run; he'd seen it with Mika and Andrew.

"Please, I won't be upset," Damien turned back, focusing on Mika. "If you have to do this, just let me be with you."

Erik stepped up, blocking his view. "Damien, you cannot. I," he cleared his throat, "We must do the ritual alone. Besides, I could never be so cruel to you." Erik freely offered his thoughts to his brother. He knew exactly how it felt to be so closely connected to Mika, to care for her so deeply, and to have to live through her being with another. He'd experienced it the night before, feeling Mika's love for Damien through their bond even with his shields as strong as he could make them. It had taken Sam and James to help him through it, and he was the least jealous of them all.

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