It's a better place since you came along.

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Mika took Andrew's Porsche, buying the largest cold brew she could find at K's cafe and chugging it before hopping back in the car. Shifting through the manual transmission, she made her way to Damien's.

Andrew taught her how to drive on one of their first dates. One evening after they'd cruised up and down Lake Shore Drive, talking the night away together. He'd pulled into one of the lots along the lake path, quiet beneath the trees with the wind and the roll of the lake's waves in the distance. They'd made out a little. Not that he wouldn't have gone further but a Porsche wasn't the place to try any serious maneuvers, considering how tall he was and how small the car was. When she admitted she could only drive automatic, he insisted on teaching her. She cringed a little at the damage it caused to the gearbox until she picked the skill up but Andrew had only laughed, telling her not to worry about it.

"You can grind my stick any day, sweetheart." The bad joke still made her smile.

Damien was waiting on the sidewalk wearing jeans and a T-shirt, much like her own. He still wore his jacket, the signs of her tears gone. He hurried as she pulled up, dropping into the car beside her.

"Good morning," He greeted her with his sunny smile.

"Morning!" She smiled, her sunglasses reflecting his profile back at him. "Are you ready?" She pulled out into traffic, heading for the highway.

"I think so. You're excited," he observed, listening to her thoughts. They were happy today. She was enjoying driving, excited to be seeing her horses, glad to be with him. She didn't mind the headache that caffeine and painkillers were trying to numb for her.

"Of course." Mika glanced quickly at him again.

"So am I," he admitted. He leaned back in his seat, watching her as they drove towards the northern edge of the city.

Mika couldn't wait to share it all with Damien. The beauty of the horses, the fun of their personalities and quirks. A sliver of fear tried to stab her at Andrew's accident but she pushed it away. She'd give Damien the calmest one, make sure they only walked or at most cantered. She didn't want to turn him off to the experience. If she was lucky, he'd fall in love with them, too.

She turned onto the long drive between the Farm's fields, seeing how much Damien's eyes lit up at the green rolling hills and open spaces. Tempel Farms was a huge acreage, a working farm providing organic produce. The other half of it was the stables and horse paths.

Tempel was world-renowned for the art of classical riding, also known as dressage. They traditionally trained and bred the white and gray Lipizzan breed of horses, held one of the largest herds in the world, and were one of the top facilities in the United States. Many trainers had gone on to the Olympics from Tempel.

Mika had no such aspirations but the chance to be a part of it, to care for the horses, was a dream come true. The white fence lines began and she couldn't help but thrill. She belonged here. This was what she'd been hoping and working for all along.

"It's wonderful," Damien commented as they drove up to the main stable. The white wood, the deep green accent painting, it looked like it was out of a storybook. Trainers walked stallions between the outbuildings, heading to the large indoor arena for the day's practice. Mika pulled into one of the parking spots, both of them climbing out and looking around.

"Welcome!" One of the handlers stepped away from a colt and young trainer to approach them. "I'm Cal. Can I help you?"

Mika glanced at Damien to make sure she wasn't imposing and saw his nod. "I'm Mika Anderson and this is my friend, Damien."

"Anderson? Oh yeah, the new vet! We just got your charges in yesterday and set them up with standard board. Some sweet ones you have there. Have you been here before?"

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