I know its not that easy or that simplified.

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"No!" Matthew saw Mika pulled off her feet, the devils laughing and taunting as they ran off with her. "Put her down!" He tried stepping forward, but they only closed in tighter, forcing him back. The ones circling him sneered as his eyes narrowed.

"Looks like she's ours now!" Malix called out, laughing as Raestrao raged. The Demon Lord cut down as many as he could, roaring as he swung his sword.

"I can't wait to take her magic," Eris chuckled and threw another ball of hellfire straight at Matthew.

His energy high, Matthew's eyes flashed bright blue in silent anger. Instead of dodging, he ran straight for it. The dark flames caught his arm, engulfing his sleeve and burning through it to sear his skin painfully. Instead of letting it weaken him, he tightened his grip on his knife, running at the devil in front of him.

The punk's chain couldn't swing up fast enough before Matthew leapt onto him. His blades stabbed down into the devil's shoulders, the sharp edges slashing the arteries in its neck. Using the momentum to propel himself up and over, his gym shoe came down beside one of the blades and he tugged them out before launching over his foe.

It dropped him right in front of Eris. He swung his dagger in a wide arc, catching the side of her face and feeling the steel drag across her cheekbone. She screamed, black flames flaring up to engulf them both, but Matthew was still moving. He spun to the side of her, his other blade ramming up into a kidney as he stepped behind her.

"Not this time." He snarled, closing in up against her back and slashing his bloody blade across her throat. The female devil crumpled, her magic dying out.

The others ran for him, Malix bellowing from the stairs. "You little shit!" The devil pulled his pistol, firing a round as Matthew turned to face it.

The bullet ricocheted off of James' sword, the Demon Lord intervening as he closed with the devil. "Get Damien safe!" James called over his shoulder before summoning a second sword for his other hand. He swung them around, setting a defensive stance between the devil and his brother.

"Get yourself safe!" Matthew snarled. "Your fucking glamour, James!"

James finally noticed the sirens echoing in the distance and Malix's brows quirked. "The Demon Lord hauled off by the cops?" Another burst of laughter followed and James disengaged, stepping back as he realized he had to address it before the humans appeared and saw him. "I got what I wanted," the devil crowed as he backed off as well, sticking his fingers in his mouth and blowing a shrill whistle. "Back to base, boys! Let's leave these losers to explain it all." Malix aimed and fired one last round, not at James or Matthew but past them, towards the ground.

"Damien!" Matthew turned and ran for his brother as the devils scattered.

Malix's laughter echoed. James summoned his pistols to fire one last time before the devil disappeared into the woods, taking down two more of the punks. He turned about and rushed back to his brothers, wrapping his glamour back around himself. Once more, he looked the quiet conservative in sweater and glasses as he knelt.

Light flared, not only the red and blue of the police arriving but bright crystal white. Time stopped, the cars and humans freezing in place as Matthew and James looked at each other. Malix's shot went wide but the earlier hits were still bleeding, blood slowly pooling beneath Damien, his skin deathly pale.

"Explain." The reverberating chiming of the angels' speech filled James' ears and he turned about to see three of the celestial entities.

"Our brother was attacked." James stood.

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