Everything comes into focus

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Back in their human glamours, the brothers gathered in the war room. Damien carefully set the fading spirit orbs on Erik's scarf in the middle of Lilith's table before stepping back and nodding to his brothers.

"You're sure you want me to drop the shield again?" Erik gave him one last chance to say no.

"I'm sure." There was no way he wouldn't do it. The spirits were the only lead left to help them find Mika.

His brother eyed him warily and waved his hand, dismissing the magic that blocked Damien's mind-reading, ready to replace it if the hunger triggered between them again.

Damien closed his eyes, hands forming tight fists as he steeled himself and the shield came down. A small distressed sound escaped his throat.

Hunger roared through him as thoughts flooded his mind once more. The sheer noise of all the voices within the castle was an instant wall of sound that he dove into, using it as a distraction from the tightening of his body, pushing away the gold behind his eyelids.

Shivering, he forced the need back and focused on slowly pulling the voices apart, unraveling and piecing some of the familiar thoughts together into coherent streams while dropping others.

I hope I'm doing the right thing. Erik, the source of the gut-aching need. It took me years to become accustomed. Even now, it still caught his brother off-guard but Damien could also feel Erik's determination, his brother ruthlessly blocking the want of the base creature he'd become.

If we find Mika, if her own hunger continues to grow, could the three of us stop ourselves? Erik worried, surprising Damien with the revelation of Mika's own changes. Our lust will be just as strong as Mika's. Will my brother be able to hold back?

Of course, he will. Erik answered his own question. This is Damien. And they didn't have the kind of time needed to learn to use the hunger like Ezaeur and her family. We have to trust each other if we are to save her. And if there was anyone in all of his life that Erik trusted completely, it was Damien.

Are you alright? James' concern broke into the forefront, warming the mind reader as he fought for control. It was a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. His brother was changing. The Demon Lord's thoughts were fading for those of his brother, James, once more. Be careful. Uzaeris is stronger than he knows but then again, so are you.

Come on, you got this. The next voice: Sam cheering Damien on. Hunger? Hell, we couldn't get you to eat most days. Of course, it was Erik and Matthew's cooking, the brute considered with a mental chuckle.

Damien gave a small snort, his eyes finally opening to see the bright green of Sam's dancing in amusement across the table from him. It gave him the final connection to gain control of himself once more. He could feel his brothers' relief as he visibly relaxed.

Heh, now we'll never shut up, baby bro. Sure you won't miss the silence? the brute teased with his thoughts.

Damien gave a subtle shake of his head, his hand moving to rest at the base of his throat as it always did when he listened to their thoughts. The hunger was a towering wave, waiting to crash and drown him, but... "It's easier this time," he quietly confided. "It doesn't feel as strong." He met his brothers' worried gazes.

"He's right," Erik nodded, noticing it himself. Once again, it was becoming more manageable, even in the last few hours.

"Then Mika's either getting further away or using some of her energy," James concluded. He wouldn't consider the option that it was being drained from her.

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