Everything you ever did is coming back around

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Raestrao watched his brother as Uzaeris circled the throne room, flirting with the guests. His brother was making sure his presence was known by all. Occasionally, the incubus' smile would drop as their eyes met. Whether it was anger or fear, Raestrao could not tell, but one thing was certain. He would never trust his brother again.

The incubus had chosen his path and honed his skills for one purpose. In flattery, temptation, seduction, deceit, Uzaeris was incomparable; as evident by the absence of Raestrao's Queen.

Decades before; when they were younger, when they had chosen different names; Uzaeris and he had been close. There was no one else he would willingly share his hopes, dreams, and fears with. Izroul knew, unable to prevent his mind-reading powers from hearing his eldest brother's thoughts, but they would pretend otherwise. And there were some secrets, shared in the middle of the night when their brothers slept, that truly were only between them. The two eldest of five half-brothers, they only became closer as they all escaped into the human world and reached for new lives. Raestrao knew Uzaeris only went so he would. He had needed the unanimous decision from all of his brothers to accept that he could leave. They even became a true family, while it had lasted.

It was an act of rebellion, Raestrao reminded himself. His father's words to the court, upon their return. A dereliction of duty, by the young and foolish Heir.

It took weeks before the Demon Lord inquired about Zecaeru, annoyed by the hounding of his mother. He disowned the younger brother, considering him a traitor. Their father never mentioned Izroul at all.

Once more Raestrao shoved the memories of that time away. Thoughts of his brothers and where they were right now would just be distractions. In truth, he had only been in the human world a few months. It was foolish to dream of a simple life, a human life. During the last week, he'd met a girl. They all had. Mika. Raestrao still remembered her, even now. But she had made a choice and so had he, accepting his role as Heir and returning with his queen by his side.

Where she remained until twenty years ago.

Ezaeur. Raestrao gripped the arm of his throne once more, nails practically digging into the gold. Uzaeris' eyes flashed to him again, pleased as he conversed with a gargoyle demoness. His sly regard brought Raestrao more memories.


"Where is your Queen?!" His father demanded as his fist slammed down on their war table. Raestrao stood tall, but would not meet his eyes. It was one more straw on top of the pile the Kingdoms' rebellion had built. Various markers were set upon the map and their story was not what the Demon Lord wanted to see. Too many colors, too many units that were not theirs, circling. Ezaeur would be needed to tip those who were not fully committed to fighting alongside the Demon Lord. Her power would convince the troops of victory. "Find her!"

Raestrao looked everywhere: her conservatory, the gardens, the private suite of rooms she'd requested specifically for her own use. All of them were empty. He knew better than to check their bedchamber; she was never there. Finally, he let himself acknowledge the possibility, the rumors he had heard that morning were true. Finally, he sought her out... in his brother's bedchamber.

"Where is she? Where is Ezaeur?" Raestrao's words echoed with his power of command as he looked around the room. The sheets of his brother's empty bed were strewn across it and down onto the floor, but his wife was nowhere to be seen. Intimidation rolled off of him as naturally as his scent and Uzaeris' shields held firm, as usual.

"Why do you care now?" His brother studied a nail, his hair hanging over an eye as he leaned back against his bedpost. His insolence had been growing over the past few years, along with his acquaintance to the Queen.

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