You're not a lover, you're a tyrant.

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Mika jogged down the hallway, book in hand. She practically bounced over the plush carpet, her long skirt swirling around her legs, her hair flowing loosely down her back. She even dared to add a little more makeup, a little perfume. She'd see the boys soon. Too late for breakfast, she was interested in lunch, starving almost after everything the day before. But first the library.

That shield on Damien, Erik probably just put it there to let Damien relax, so our thoughts wouldn't disturb him as he slept and recovered. I'm sure of it.

The more she thought about it, the more Mika was certain that was the case. Like giving painkillers or muscle relaxants or sleep aids. The body and mind both need downtime to heal. Everything she was dwelling on, just herself alone, would have been a lot for him to handle. His memories showed Damien's ability picked up all of them in the mansion and there were even more people in this castle.

There are other aspects to healing with magic than just the straightforward repair. There's so much to learn! The thought was exciting. Mika enjoyed school and part of her was sad to leave it, though as a veterinarian she was required to continue her education every year with additional courses. This though, this was so much more valuable than a quick lecture or conference.

I could learn to calm the animals, shield them to prevent further damage. If she could find a way to let horses walk while hooves or legs were healing, it would be a major breakthrough. Oftentimes it was still a death sentence if the animal broke its leg too badly.

She passed into the workroom, putting the book back in its proper place and taking the next on the packed shelf. Erik had chosen each of them, specifically, to allow her to advance steadily, building on the spells and teachings of the previous book at a steady pace.

A part of her worried about being away from home for so long. But in truth, by her calculations and what Erik and Sam had explained, she'd only been away for a little over a day. She could spend another five before she had to return to work on Monday. That gave her plenty of time to get through at least another book or two. Surely Erik would let her go home, then, and maybe let her borrow a few more.

She wouldn't practice the spells while reading of them, Mika promised Erik. She would only try new magic when he was present, just in case. It was a comfort more than a limitation. If something went wrong, he'd be there to stop and fix it. There were enough little surprises when they practiced; she couldn't imagine trying it alone.

Flipping through the next volume, Mika saw there was indeed more on shielding in this tome. She snapped it shut with a smile. A quick check showed everything was where it should be and she left the workroom, locking the door behind her. She'd eat well, then settle down to read while the boys had their reunion with Damien. No doubt, they all had a lot to catch up on if he hadn't been back since they first left. He really missed them; she remembered when they'd spoken of it in his apartment.

Later, maybe we could all go horseback riding with Erik's horses, she realized, liking the idea. Damien, Sam, Erik, James, and her. She wished she could show them her horses, could see which preferred which of the brothers. She could see the boys in her mind, picking the horses that most fit them.

Pekoe would want a second "date" with Damien, no doubt. She could tell the mare was completely smitten with him.

Mika couldn't help but smile at the thought of the incubi as "country boys", cowboy hats and all. Erik isn't one to want to get dirty, no doubt Sam would tease him. The image totally fit Sam, rugged, rough, and handsome; and Damien would be the sweetest country boy with that smile, looking a little shy but with a spark in the back of his eyes waiting to be ignited.

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