spooky, scary skeletons - g.h

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Salutations fellow humans. Happy Halloweenie. Let's have a spoopy imagine for today.
Name: Krishna Ann Harrison
Beatle: George Harrison
Year: 1986
Relationship: Daughter
She always is known as the younger Harrison child. Which sucked because Dhani was only 2.5 minutes older than her but he carried that around like a trophy, it always came up in conversation.

But you currently getting dressed in your Halloween costume. Krishna was going as Claire Standish, all because she saw that movie with her mom and loved it.

"Sweetie. You need to calm down. I can't do your hair if your jumping up and down." Olivia sternly scolded her child, Krishna.

"Krishna... Are you giving mummy a hard time." George graced the doorway and walked into the room, crossing his arms.

"Not at all." She lied through her teeth.

"Hare Krishna, help me." George mumbled under his breath. "Honey you need to sit still or else you won't be able to trick or treat." George crouched down in front of her.

"You can deal with her. I'm going to make sure Dhani is ready." Olivia scoffed and went to Dhani's room.

"Now come on. What exactly is your costume?" George started fiddling with the hair straightener.

"I'm Claire Standish from breakfast club." Krishna mentioned.

"Okay. I know what she looks like. I'll try my best." Soon George went to work and 30 minutes later she was a glammed up and ready for trick or treating.

"You ready to go." George asked.

"Yeah." Krishna walked out of the room.

Her, Dhani, her mum and dad all walkers out onto the sidewalk and walked to all the houses.

Hello. Sorry if this one is such shitty quality. It went a lot better in my head. Plus, my head is elsewhere but I. Needed. To finish this because it's obviously halloween themed and it's Halloween. So, hope you liked. Don't mind the shitty quality of this one. My headspace and depression isn't good and got in the way. But bye ✌🏼

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